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The Kingdom of Thailand is a member of ASEAN, located in the south-eastern part of Asia between the 5 o 35 / and 20 o 15 / North latitudes and 97 o 30 / and 105 o 45 / East longitudes. It encompasses an area of 320.7 million rai or 513,115 square kilometres (km2). The country has a common boundary with four countries. The neighbouring countries are Myanmar (formerly the Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma) in the north and west, the Democratic People's Republic of Laos in the north and east, Khmere or Cambodia (formerly the Democratic Kampuchea) in the east and Malaysia in the south.

The upper part of the country is hilly and the source of the four main tributaries of the Chao Phraya River. This important river flows through the central part of the country down to the Gulf of Thailand, where it forms a great alluvial plain known as the Chao Phraya Delta. A long peninsula stretches southwards, separating the Pacific Ocean into the Andamam Sea to the West and the Gulf of Siam to the East. The eastern third of the northern part of Thailand, forms a large plateau known as the Northeast Highland or Korat Plateau, which drains eastwards into the famous Mekong River. A long mountain chain to the West separates the country from Burmese territory.

Administratively, Thailand is divided into five regions: the Northern; North-eastern; Central; Eastern; and Southern Regions. The country is also divided into 76 provinces (Chang Wad) and 716 districts (Amphoe). The capital of Thailand is Bangkok (Krung Thep Maha Nakhon) located in the Central Region.

The country's climate is influenced by the Southwest monsoon and Northeast monsoon. Therefore, there are broadly two dry and wet season for the whole country. However, the duration of the wet seasons range from 2 to 8 months a year with 1,000-4,000 mm of annual rainfall. The temperature may rise up to 40 oC during the dry season and drop to 0 oC in some places in the cool-dry season. An average of 25 oC is the normal temperature all year round.

At present, the population of Thailand is 60 million, with an annual growth rate of 1.3 percent. The population density is 117 persons per square kilometre. Eighty percent of the population lives in rural areas. Thai society comprises many nationalities. Ethnic Thais are the majority; Chinese, Khmers, Laotian and hill-tribe people are important minorities. Buddhism is the national religion.

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