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FAO trade-related studies

FAO has carried out several assessments related to the impact of the Uruguay Round on agricultural, forest and fishery products and their implications for developing countries, especially regarding products of export and import interest to these countries. Following are some examples of relevant FAO studies and publications.

For the most recent information on commodity markets, see the FAO Web site at For trade-related studies and training activities, see FAO's new Web pages on trade at

  • Experience with the implementation of the Uruguay Round Agreement on  Agriculture: a synthesis of country case studies.
    • Issues at stake relating to agricultural development, trade and food security.
    • Food Security and the Forthcoming Trade Negotiations: Key Issues Raised by the  World Food Summit.
    • Measures to enhance agricultural development, trade and food security in the  context of the forthcoming WTO negotiations.
  • presented at the FAO Symposium on Agriculture, Trade and Food Security: Issues and Options in the Forthcoming WTO Negotiations from the Perspective of the Developing Countries, Geneva, 23-24 September 1999.
  • Environment, trade and sustainable agriculture and rural development: concepts, issues and tools. Background Paper. FAO/Netherlands Conference on the Multifunctional Character of Agriculture and Land, Maastricht, 12-17 September 1999.
  • Understanding the Codex Alimentarius. FAO/WHO, 1999.
  • The application of risk communication to food standards and safety matters. Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Consultation, Rome, 2-6 February 1999. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper No. 70.
  • Trade restrictions and their impact on international trade in forest products. FAO, 1998.
  • Commodity Market Review, annual.
  • The Uruguay Round and agriculture in southern Africa: implications and policy responses. Proceedings of the FAO/SADC Workshop, Harare, 21-23 January 1997.
  • The implications of the GATT Uruguay Round and other trade arrangements for the Asia-Pacific forest products trade. Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study. FAO, 1997.
  • Implications of the Uruguay Round Agreement for South Asia: the case of agriculture. Proceedings of the FAO/World Bank Workshop, Kathmandu, May 1996.
  • Implementing the Uruguay Round Agreement in Latin America: the case of agriculture. Proceedings of the FAO/World Bank Workshop, Santiago, 28-30 November 1995.
  • Impact of the Uruguay Round on international fish trade. GLOBEFISH, Vol. 38, 1995 (first revision to be published in 2000).

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