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Abello, P., A. Gordoa, M. Manriquez, M. Maso and E. Macpherson, 1988. Biomass indices and recruitment levels for hake and other commercial species in ICSEAF divisions 1.4 and 1.5: results from the Spanish Benguela XI research cruise (1987). Collect.Sci.Pap. ICSEAF. 15(1): 7–21

Abildgaard, N.L., W. Khan, M. Khaliluddin, S. Qureshi and N.P. van Zalinge, 1986. Stock assessment of demersal fish in Pakistan waters. Results of bottom trawl surveys carried out in 1983–85. FAO/UNDP Marine Fisheries Development Project, PAK/77/033, Karachi, Field document 4, Rome, FAO: 156 p.

Agenbag, J.J., 1980. General distribution of pelagic fish off SW Africa as deduced from aerial fish spotting (1971–1974 and 1977) and as influenced by hydrology. Fish.Bull.Div.Sea Fish.S.Afr. 13: 55–67.

Aglen, A., 1983. R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN: Determination of calibration constants, p. 19–22. In: FAO/GFCM, 1983. Report of the technical consultation on acoustic methods for fish detection and abundance estimation, held at Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 8–12 November 1982. FAO Fish.Rep. (277): 94 p.

Aglen, A., 1989. Empirical results on precision-effort relationships for acoustic surveys. ICES CM: 1989/B:30, 28 p. (mimeo)

Aglen, A., L. Føyn, O.R. Godø, S. Myklevoll and O.J. østvedt, 1981a. See Appendix I No. 1.

Aglen, A., L. Føyn, O.R. Godø, S. Myklevoll and O.J. østvedt, 1981b. See Appendix I No. 2.

Aglen, A., L. Føyn, O.R. Godø, S. Myklevoll and O.J. østvedt, 1981c. See Appendix I No. 3.

Aglen, A., J. Gjøsæter, B. Myrseth and S. Tilseth, 1982. See Appendix I No. 4.

Allen, K.R., 1971. Relation between production and biomass. J.Fish.Res.Bd.Can. 28: 1573–1581.

Anderson, A.M., E.H. Nichols and S. Olsen, 1987. An evaluation of the future needs for the deployment of fisheries research vessels on a global basis in support of the research and development programmes of third world nations. FAO, Rome.

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Anon., 1989. Evaluation Report 4.89. Fisheries Research Vessel “Dr. Fridtjof Nansen”. CIC-Marine, Royal Norwegian Ministry of Development Cooperation.

Anon., 1991a. US Joint Global Ocean Flux Study. Arabian Sea Process Study. USJGOFS, Planning Report No. 13. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 164 p.

Anon., 1991b. Somalia. Fisheries Exploration/Pilot Project (CR 1465-SO). Project Completion Report, 78/91 CP-SOM-21 CR, Rome, FAO

Anon., 1994. Annual Statistics Report for 1993. Sultanate of Oman, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Directorate General of Fisheries Resources, Department of Fisheries Statistics, 58 p.

Ansa-Emmim, M., 1979. Occurence of the trigger fish Balistes capriscus (GMEL) on the continental shelf of Ghana, CECAF/ECAF Series 79/14, Annex 3

Badenhorst, A. and A.J. Boyd, 1980. Distributional ecology of the larvae and juveniles of the anchovy Engraulis capensis Gilchrist in relation to the hydrological environment off SW Africa, 1978/79. Fish.Bull.Div.Sea Fish.S.Afr. 13: 83–106.

Bakun, A., C. Roy and S. Lluch Cota (in press). Coastal upwelling and other processes regulating ecosystem productivity and fish production in the Western Indian Ocean. In: K. Sherman and N. Cyr (eds.). Status and future of the marine ecosystem of the Indian Ocean. Blackwell Scientific Pub.

Behrmen, D., 1981. Assault on the largest unknown. Paris, The Unesco Press

Beltestad, A.K., 1992. Fishing trials with large pelagic trawls in the Gulf of Oman. IMR, Bergen.

Bianchi, G., 1984. Guide des ressources halieutiques de l'Atlantique marocain (espèces marines et d'eaux saumâtres). Fiches FAO d'identification des espèces pour les besoins de la pêche. Préparé et publié avec le support du Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement (PNUD) (Projet MOR/81/002). Rome, FAO, 151 p.

Bianchi, G., 1985a. Field guide to the commercial marine and brackish-water species of Pakistan. FAO Species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Rome, FAO, 200 p.

Bianchi, G., 1985b. Field guide to the commercial marine and brackish-water species of Tanzania. FAO Species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Prepared and published with the support of TCP/URT/4406 and FAO (FIRM) Regular Programme. Rome, FAO, 199 p.

Bianchi, G., 1986. Guia de campo para as espécies comerciais marinhas e de águas salobras de Angola. Fichas FAO de identificação de espécies para propósitos comerciais. Roma, FAO, 184 p.

Bianchi, G., 1988. Study on the species assemblages of tropical continental shelves, based on the trawl data collected by the R.V. Dr. F. Nansen, 1975–1988. ICLARM Fishbyte, 6(3): 12.

Bianchi, G., 1991. Demersal assemblages of the continental shelf and slope edge between the Gulf of Tehuantepec (Mexico) and the Gulf of Papagayo (Costa Rica). Mar.Ecol.Prog.Ser. 73(2–3): 121–140

Bianchi, G., 1992a. Demersal assemblages of tropical continental shelves. A study based on the data collected through the surveys of the R/V “Dr. Fridtjof Nansen”. Thesis for the fulfilment of the Dr. Scient. degree. University of Bergen, Bergen, 217 p.

Bianchi, G., 1992b. Study of the demersal assemblages of the continental shelves of the North-Western Indian Ocean based on the trawl surveys of the R/V “Dr. Fridtjof Nansen” (1982 1984). Paper No. 6 In: G. Bianchi, Demersal assemblages of tropical continental shelves. A study based on the data collected through the surveys of the “Dr. Fridtjof Nansen”. Thesis for the fulfilment of the Dr. Scient. Degree University of Bergen, Bergen, 217 p.

Bianchi, G., 1992c. Demersal assemblages of the continental shelf and upper slope of Angola. Mar.Ecol.Prog.Ser. 81 (2): 102–120

Bianchi, G., 1992d. Study of the demersal assemblages of the continental shelf and upper slope off Congo and Gabon, based on the trawl surveys of the RV “Dr. Fridtjof Nansen”. Mar.Ecol.Prog.Ser. 85(1–2): 9–23.

Bianchi, G., 1996. Demersal fish assemblages of trawlable grounds off northwest Sumatra. p. 123–130. In: D. Pauly and P. Martosubroto (eds.) Baseline study of biodiversity: The fish resouces of western Indonesia: ICLARM Stud.Rev. 23, 312 p.

Bianchi, G., K.E. Carpenter, J.-P. Roux, F.J. Molloy, D. Boyer and H.J. Boyer, 1993. The living marine resources of Namibia. FAO species identification field guide for fishery purposes. Rome, FAO, 250 p., 8 colour plates.

Blindheim, J., 1984. See Appendix I No. 9.

Blindheim, J., G.H.P. de Bruin and G. Sætersdal, 1979. See Appendix I No. 10.

Blindheim, J. and L. Føyn, 1980. See Appendix I No. 11.

Brandhorst, W., 1986. What demersal fish resources are available for the expansion and development of Pakistan's marine fishery? Contribution to the National Seminar on Fisheries Policy/Planning. Marine Fisheries Development Project. PAK/77/033, FAO, Karachi. 24 p.

Brinca, L., J. da Silva, L. Sousa, I.M. Sousa and R. Sætre, 1983. See Appendix I No. 12.

Brinca, L., V. Mascarenhas, B.P. de Sousa, S.P. de Sousa, I.M. Sousa, R. Sætre and I. Timochin, 1984. See Appendix I No. 13.

Brinca, L., F. Rey, C. Silva and R. Sætre, 1981. See Appendix I No. 14.

Brongersma-Sanders, M., 1957. Mass mortality in the sea. In: J.W. Hedgepeth (ed.) Treatise on Marine Ecology and Paleoecology, Vol. 1 Ecology. The Geological Society of America, Memoir 67

Bruin, G.H.P. de, B.C. Russell and A. Bogusch, 1995. The marine fishery resources of Sri Lanka. FAO species identification field guide for fishery purposes. Rome, FAO. 400 p. 32 colour plates.

Campos Rosado, J.M., 1974a. A study on the statistics of the purse seine fishery of Angola, 1945–1972. Collect.Sci.Pap. ICSEAF, 1: 78–101

Campos Rosado, J.M., 1974b. Catches of deep sea shrimps by Spanish trawlers off Angola, 1967–1972. Collect.Sci.Pap. ICSEAF, 1: 234–238

Carcasson, 1977. A field guide to the coral reef fishes of the Indian and West Pacific Oceans. Collins, London, 320 p.

Cervigón, F., R. Cipriani, W. Fischer, L. Garibaldi, M. Hendrickx, A.J. Lemus, R. Márquez, J.M. Poutiers, G. Robaina and B. Rodriguez, 1993. Field guide to the commercial marine and brackish-water resources of the northern coast of South America. FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Rome, FAO, 513 p. (also issued in Spanish.)

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Cruickshank, R.A., 1983. Distribution of pelagic fish shoals determined by acoustic surveys in 1981–82 and its relationship to environmental factors. Collect.Sci.Pap. ICSEAF, 10(2): 75–97

Currie, R.I., A.E. Fisher and P.M. Hargreaves, 1973. Arabian Sea upwelling, pp 37–52. In: Zeitzschel, B. and S.A. Gerlach (eds.). The biology of the Indian Ocean. Springer-Verlag Berlin, 1973, 549 p.

Cushing, D.H., 1968a. The abundance of hake off South Africa. Fish.Invest.Minist.Agric.Fish Food G.B. (2 Sea Fish), 25(10): 20 p.

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Cushing, D.H., 1969. Upwelling and fish production. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap. (84): 40 p.

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Cushing, D.H., 1971b. Survey of resources in the Indian Ocean and Indonesian area. FAO/UNDP Indian Ocean Programme. IOFC/DEV/71/2: 123 p.

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Dickson, W., 1993b. Estimation of the capture efficiency of trawl gear. II. Testing a theoretical model. Fisheries Research 16: 255–272

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Doubleday, W.G. (ed.). 1981. Manual on groundfish surveys in the Northwest Atlantic. NAFO, Sci.Coun.Stud., Dartmouth, Canada, No. 2: 55 p.

Dube, S.K., M.E. Luther and J.J. O'Brien, 1990. Relationships between interannual variability in the Arabian Sea and Indian summer monsoon rainfall. J.Meteor.Atmos. Phys., 44: 153–165.

Durand, J.R., 1967. Études des poissons benthiques du plateau continental congolais. Étude de la répartition, de l'abondance et des variations saisonnières (Troisième partie). Cah. ORSTOM, série Océanogr., Vol. V, (2): 1–68.

Ellingsen, W., 1975. Report on fishing activities. Pelagic fishing trials. PDY/75/SIS/002 - Phase II. UNDP/FAO assistance to the Government of the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, December, 1975, 37 p. (mimeo).

Fabres, B., 1980. The relative abundance, composition and distribution of demersal finfish off northeast South America as determined by “OREGON” and “OREGON II” surveys (1957–1977) p. 166–170 In: A.C. Jones and L. Villegas (eds.). Proceedings of the working group on shrimp fisheries of northeastern South America. Interregional project for the development of fisheries in the western central Atlantic. WECAF reports No. 28, FAO, Rome, 232 p.

FAO, 1975–1994. FAO Yearbook of Fisheries Statistics, Catches and landings. FAO Fisheries Series and FAO Statistics Series. Volumes: 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 72, 74 and 76. Rome, FAO: pag. var.

FAO, 1995. Review of the state of world fishery resources: Marine fisheries. FAO Fish.Circ. (884) 105 p.

FAO/BOBP, 1986. Summary report of BOBP fishing trials and demersal resources studies in Sri Lanka. Bay of Bengal Programme, SIDA/FAO, Madras BOBP/REP/23: 13 p.

FAO/CECAF, 1981. Preliminary reports of the cooperative acoustic survey. CECAF/TECH/ 81/30, Rome, 166 p.

FAO/CECAF, 1994. Statistical bulletin for the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF) No. 7: Nominal catches 1979–1991. Bulletin of Fishery Statistics No.33. Rome, FAO, 343 p.

FAO/IOP, 1978. Report on the FAO/Norway workshop on the fishery resources of the North Arabian Sea, Karachi, Pakistan, 16–28 January 1978. UNDP/FAO, Rome, IOFC/DEV/78/43. 1: Vol. 1. Proceedings: 57 p., Vol. 2. Papers: 204 p.

FAO/UNDP, 1982a. Pelagic fishery investigations on the shouthwest coast-Phase II, India. Project findings and recommendations. Terminal report IND/75/038. FAO, Rome, 43 p.

FAO/UNDP, 1982b. Cruise report No. 14. Experimental fishing on pelagic fish resources of Burma (Cruise 421), Nov-Dec 1981, Jun 1982 and Sep-Oct 1982. Marine Fisheries Resource Survey and Exploratory Fishing Project, FAO-FI-BUR/77/003, Rome, FAO: 19 p.

FAO/UNDP, 1985. Project findings and recommendations. Djibouti, Development of fisheries in areas of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. Terminal Report, FI:DP/RAB/77/008; FI:DP/RAB/81/002, Rome, FAO: 95 p.

Fischer, W. (ed.), 1978. FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Western Central Atlantic (fishing area 31). Rome, FAO: Vols.: 1–7: pag.var.

Fischer, W. and G. Bianchi (eds.), 1984. FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Western Indian Ocean (fishing area 51). Rome, FAO, Vols. 1–6: pag.var.

Fisher, W., G. Bianchi and W.B. Scott (eds.), 1981. FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Eastern Central Atlantic; fishing areas 34, 47 (in part). Canada Funds-in-Trust, Ottawa; Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, by arrangement with FAO, Vols. 1–7: pag.var. (also issued in French)

Fischer, W., F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K.E. Carpenter y V.H. Niem, 1995. Pacífico centro-oriental. Guía FAO para la identificación de espécies para los fines de pesca. Roma, FAO, Vols. 1–3: pag. var.

Fischer, W., I. Sousa, C. Silva, A. de Freitas, J.M. Poutiers, W. Schneider, T.C. Borges, J.P. Féral and A. Massinga, 1990. Guía de campo das espécies comerciais marinhas e de águas salobras de Moçambique. Fichas FAO de identificação de espécies para actividades de pesca. Roma, FAO, 424 p.

Fischer, W. and P.J.W. Whitehead (eds.), 1974. FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Eastern Indian Ocean (fishing area 57) and Western Central Pacific (fishing area 71). Rome, FAO, Vols. 1–4: pag. var.

Foote, K. G., 1987. Fish target strengths for use in echo integrator surveys. J.Acoust.Soc.Am. 82, (3): 981–987.

Foote K.G., H.P. Knudsen, G. Vestnes, D.N. MacLennan and E.J. Simmonds, 1987. Calibration of acoustic instruments for fish density estimation: a practical guide. Coop.Res.Rep. CIEM, 144: 69 p.

Foxton, P., 1965. A mass fish mortality on the Somali Coast. Deep Sea Res., Vol. 12: 17–19.

Garcia, S. (comp.), 1982. Distribution, migration and spawning of the main fish resources in the northern CECAF area. CECAF/ECAF Series 82/25. FAO, Rome: 9 p. plus 11 distribution charts.

Gerlotto F. and Hno Ginés, 1988. Diez años de ecointegración en EDIMAR, referida a la sardina del Oriente Venezolano (Sardinella aurita). Congreso Iberoamericano y del Caribe, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela, 8–15 mayo 1988, Memoria de la Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales, La Salle, Supplemento No. 3, Vol. 48: 311–324

Ghéno, Y. et A. Fontana, 1981. Les stocks des petits pélagiques côtiers. Les Sardinelles. Chapitre 4. p. 213–257 In: Fontana (ed.) Milieu marin et ressources halieutiques de la République Populaire du Congo. Travaux et Documents de l'ORSTOM, 138.

Gislason, H. and M.I. Sousa, 1989. An assessment of the stock of scad and mackerel at Sofala Bank and Boa Paz, Mozambique. Rev. Invest. Pesq. No. 19: 89–141

Gjøsæter, J., 1977. See Appendix I No. 19.

Gjøsæter, J., 1981a. Review of the mesopelagic fish resources of the Arabian Sea. Norway Funds-in-Trust, Rome, FAO, FAO/GCP/INT/368/NOR: 32p.

Gjøsæter, J., 1981b. Abundance and production of lanternfish (Myctophidae) in the Western and Northern Arabian Sea. Fiskeridir. Skr. Havunders. 17(6): 215–251

Gjøsæter, J., 1984. Mesopelagic fish, a large potential resource in the Arabian Sea, p. 1019– 1035. In: M.V. Angel (ed.) Marine science of the north-west Indian Ocean and adjacent waters. Proceedings of the Mabahiss/John Murray International Symposium, Egypt, 3–6 September 1983. Deep Sea Res., Vol. 31, Nos 6–8A: 1035 p.

Gjøsæter J. and K. Kawaguchi, 1980. A review of the world resources of mesopelagic fish. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap.(193): 151 p.

Gjøsæter, J. and B. Myrseth, 1979. See Appendix I No. 20.

Gjøsæter, J. and S. Tilseth, 1983. See Appendix I No. 21.

Gordoa, A. and E. Macpherson, 1989. Biomass indices and recruitment levels for hake and other commercial species in ICSEAF divisions 1.4 and 1.5, from 1988 surveys. Collect.Sci.Pap. ICSEAF 16(1): 103–118

Gulland, J. A., (comp.)(ed.), 1970. The fish resources of the ocean, FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. (97): 425 p. Also published in 1971 by Fishing News (Books) Ltd., 255 p.

Hallenstvedt, A., R.W. Ellis and C.E.P. Watson, 1983. Evaluation report of the survey programme and operations of the research vessel “Dr. Fridtjof Nansen”, a FAO/UNDP/NORAD Project Evaluation Report 4.82, NORAD, Oslo: 174 p.

Hempel, G. (ed.), 1982. The Canary Current: Studies of an upwelling system. A symposium held in Las Palmas, 11–14 April 1978. Rapp. P-v. Réun. CIEM., 180: 455 p.

ICSEAF, 1972–88. International Commission for the Southeast Atlantic Fisheries, Madrid: proceedings and reports of meetings., Regular sessions and special meetings, 1972–88.

ICSEAF, 1975–88. International Commission for the Southeast Atlantic Fisheries, Madrid: Collection of scientific papers, Nos. 3–15.

ICSEAF, 1977–87. International Commission for the Southeast Atlantic Fisheries, Madrid: Statistical Bulletins, 1977–87.

IMR, 1975–1993. Please refer to Appendix I.

IMR, 1994. Surveys of the fish resources of Namibia. Preliminary Report Cruise No. 2/94. Part I: Surveys of the hake stocks, 26 April - 31 May 1994 and Part II: Surveys of the pelagic stocks, 1 June - 23 June 1994. Ministry of fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia, IMR, Bergen.

IMR/NORAD/FAO, 1971. Progress Report No. 1. The R/V SARDINELLA and her work from June to October 1971. UNDP/FAO Pelagic Fishery Project (IND/69/593). NORAD/IMR, Bergen/Cochin, 22 p.

IMR/NORAD/FAO, 1973a. Progress Report No. 2. Results of the first year's survey with the SARDINELLA. UNDP/FAO Pelagic Fishery Project (IND/69/593). NORAD/IMR, Bergen/Cochin, 50 p.

IMR/NORAD/FAO, 1973b. Progress Report No. 3. Hydrographic investigations - June 1971 to January 1973. UNDP/FAO Pelagic Fishery Project (IND/69/593). NORAD/IMR, Bergen/Cochin, 35 p.

IMR/NORAD/FAO, 1973c. Progress Report No. 4. Report of the aerial survey 3–10 October 1972. UNDP/FAO Pelagic Fishery Project (IND/69/593). NORAD/IMR, Bergen/Cochin, 23 p.

IMR/NORAD/FAO, 1973d. Progress Report No. 5. Biological sampling data and catch statistics of mackerel and oil sardine from different fishing centres during the seasons 1971/72 and 1972/73. UNDP/FAO Pelagic Fishery Project (IND/69/593). NORAD/IMR, Bergen/Cochin, 31 p.

IMR/NORAD/FAO, 1974a. Progress Report No. 6. Survey results 1972/73. UNDP/FAO Pelagic Fishery Project (IND/69/593). NORAD/IMR, Bergen/Cochin, 141 p.

IMR/NORAD/FAO, 1974b. Progress Report No. 7. Plankton - Fish Eggs and Larvae Studies. UNDP/FAO Pelagic Fishery Project (IND/69/593). NORAD/IMR, Bergen/Cochin, 54 p.

IMR/NORAD/FAO, 1974c. Progress Report No. 8. Results of the 1973 Aerial Survey. UNDP/FAO Pelagic Fishery Project (IND/69/593). NORAD/IMR, Bergen/Cochin, 19 p.

IMR/NORAD/FAO, 1974/75. Cruise Reports, RASTRELLIGER and SARDINELLA April-August 1974 and April-August 1975. UNDP/FAO Pelagic Fishery Project, Cochin.

IMR/NORAD/FAO, 1975a. Progress Report No 9. Results of the 1974 Aerial Survey. UNDP/FAO Pelagic Fishery Project (IND/69/593). NORAD/IMR, Bergen/Cochin, 19 p.

IMR/NORAD/FAO, 1975b. Progress Report No. 10. Young Fish Studies. UNDP/FAO Pelagic Fishery Project (IND/69/593). NORAD/IMR, Bergen/Cochin, 36 p.

IMR/NORAD/FAO, 1975c. Progress Report No. 11. Survey of mackerel and sardine schools in 1975. UNDP/FAO Pelagic Fishery Project (IND/69/593). NORAD/IMR, Bergen/Cochin, 9 p.

IMR/NORAD/FAO, 1976a. Progress Report No. 12. Survey Results 1973/74. UNDP/FAO Pelagic Fishery Project (IND/69/593). NORAD/IMR, Bergen/Cochin, 112 p.

IMR/NORAD/FAO, 1976b. Progress Report No. 13. Survey results 1974/75. UNDP/FAO Pelagic Fishery Project (IND/69/593). NORAD/IMR, Bergen/Cochin, 103 p.

IMR/NORAD/FAO, 1976c. Progress Report No. 14. Catch statistics, growth and sexual maturity of mackerel and oil sardine as analyzed from data collected at fishing centres on the South West coast of India. UNDP/FAO Pelagic Fishery Project (IND/69/593). NORAD/IMR, Bergen/Cochin, 34 p.

IMR/NORAD/FAO, 1976d. Progress Report No. 15. Oil Sardine Larvae. UNDP/FAO Pelagic Fishery Project (IND/69/593). NORAD/IMR, Bergen/Cochin, 23 p.

IMR/NORAD/FAO, 1976e. Progress Report No. 16. Physical oceanography of the south-west coast of India based on the investigations of the UNDP/FAO Pelagic Fishery Project. UNDP/FAO Pelagic Fishery Project (IND/69/593). NORAD/IMR, Bergen/Cochin, 36 p.

IMR/NORAD/FAO, 1976f. Progress Report No. 17. Plankton, Fish Eggs and Larvae Studies. UNDP/FAO Pelagic Fishery Project (IND/69/593). NORAD/IMR, Bergen/Cochin, 27 p.

IMR/NORAD/FAO, 1976g. Progress Report No. 18. A synopsis of the information on pelagic resources off the South-West Coast of India. UNDP/FAO Pelagic Fishery Project (IND/69/593). NORAD/IMR, Bergen/Cochin, 31 p.

IMR/NORAD/FAO, 1976h. IND/69/593 Final Report. Pelagic fishery investigations on the South-West Coast, India. Report on project results, conclusions and recommendations. NORAD, IMR. Oslo, 57 p.

Iversen, S.A., 1984. See Appendix I No. 117.

Iversen, S.A. and S. Myklevoll (eds.), 1984a. The proceedings of the NORAD-Tanzania seminar to review the marine fish stocks and fisheries in Tanzania, Mbegani, Tanzania, 6–8 March 1984, IMR, Bergen, 186 p.

Iversen, S.A., S. Myklevoll (eds.), 1984b. The proceedings of the NORAD-Kenya seminar to review the marine fish stocks and fisheries in Kenya, Mombasa, Kenya, 13–15 March 1984, IMR, Bergen, 210 p.

Iversen, S.A., S. Myklevoll, K. Lwiza and J. Yonazi, 1984. See Appendix I No. 118

Johannessen, O.M., G. Subbarajo and J. Blindheim, 1987. Seasonal variations of the oceanographic conditions off the southwest coast of India during 1971–1975. Fisk. Dir. Skr. Ser. Havunders., 18(5): 247–261

Johannesson, K.A., 1995. Assessment of major marine fish stocks of demersal, small pelagic and mesopelagic species. Oman. R/V RASTRELLIGER acoustic & trawling survey results (November 1989 - November 1990). FAO/UNDP Project for fisheries resources assessment survey, Muscat, Oman. FI-DP/OMA/88/005. Technical Rep., Rome, FAO, 226 p.

Karp, W.A. and G.E. Walters, 1994. Survey assessment of semi-pelagic gadoids: The example of walley pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the eastern Bering Sea. Mar. Fish. Rev. 56(1): 8–22.

Kesteven, G.L., O. Nakken and T. Strømme (eds.). 1981. See Appendix I No. 120.

Kifani, S. and F. Gohin, 1992. Dynamique de l'upwelling et variabilité spatio-temporelle de la répartition de la sardine marocaine. Oceanol. Acta, 15(2): 173–186.

Klima. E.F., 1976. A review of the fishery resources of the Western Central Atlantic. FAO, Rome. WECAF Studies 3:77 p.

Korsbrekke, K., S. Mehl, O. Nakken and K. Sunnanå, 1995. Bunnfiskundersøkelser i Barentshavet vinteren 1995. (Acoustic and trawl surveys of fish abundance in the Barents Sea, winter 1995). Fisken Havet, No. 13: 86 p.

Lamboeuf, M. and E.J. Simmonds, 1981. Acoustic estimation of the biomass of the stocks of small pelagic species in the Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, including Appendix 1: Range gate system to improve sea bed elimination and correct detection of midwater schools; Appendix 2: Live fish calibration; Appendix 3: Transmission counter to provide 1 Nm reset; Appendix 4: Day/night comparison experiments. pp 29–94 In: Pelagic resources of the Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, FAO/UNDP Regional Fishery Survey and Development Project. Rome, FAO, FI: DP/RAB/71/278/11, Part 3.

Le Clus, F., J.D. Hewitson, Y.C. Melo, R.M. Cooper and P.E. Malan, 1987. The multispecies pelagic fishery off Namibia 1982–1986 and stock assessments for pilchard and anchovy. Collect. Sci. Pap. ICSEAF, Vol. 14 (2): 7–25

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Strømme, T., 1983b. See Appendix I No. 133.

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Strømme, T., 1984c. See Appendix I No. 137.

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Strømme, T., O. Nakken, Sann Aung and G. Sætersdal, 1981. See Appendix I No. 143.

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Strømme, T. and G. Sætersdal, 1986. See Appendix I No. 144.

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