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2. Mr Amonrapun Nimanandth, Vice Governor of Chiang Mai Province welcomed the participants and wished success of the Session. Dr. Prem Nath, Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific of FAO also welcomed the participants on behalf of the Director-General of FAO. He stressed the importance of the work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and described current activities of FAO in support of the Commission. The Committee was also addressed by Dr. Yasuyuki Sahara, representative from WHO. On behalf of the Director-General of WHO, he stated that WHO considers food safety as one of the most important public health issues and that WHO Executive Board in January 2000 would discuss future directions and role of WHO in food safety. Finally, Mr Thamnu Vasinonta, Deputy Permanent Secretary for Industry, opened the Session and wished successful discussions during the week.

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