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Priorities for the Revision of Codes of Hygienic Practice (Agenda Item 14)[19]

135. The Committee recalled that priorities had been considered at the 30th Session and that it had been agreed to evaluate the need for existing codes and the opportunity to merge those which had certain common provisions. Due to its heavy programme of work, the Committee had not considered this matter at the 31st Session.

136. The Delegation of the United States pointed out that the Code of Hygienic Practice for Dried Milk should be ultimately incorporated into the Code of Hygienic Practice for Milk and Milk Products (under development). The Delegation of the United Kingdom indicated that it had reviewed several codes and compared them with the General Principles of Food Hygiene and proposed that this could be used as a model for a systematic review. The Committee agreed that this would be a very useful basis to initiate work in this area and welcomed the offer of the Delegation of Australia to prepare a document on the priorities which would identify 1) which codes were superseded and 2) which codes could be combined, for consideration by the next session

[19] CX/FH 99/14, CRD 6 (Comments of Finland and Italy), CRD 15 (ALA)

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