Mycotoxin prevention and control in
Edited by R.L. Semple, A.S. Frio, P.A. Hicks and J.V. Lozare
A collaborative publication of the UNDP/FAO Regional Network Inter-Country Cooperation on Preharvest Technology and Quality Control of Foodgrains (REGNET) and the ASEAN Grain Postharvest Programme
Bankok, Thailand
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Section I - General introduction to mycotoxins
An introduction to mycotoxins
Mycotoxins and human health risks an overview
Common mycotoxigenic species of fusarium
Toxigenic aspergillus and penicillium species
Mycotoxin economic aspects
Mycotoxicosis in animals
Section II - Introduction to mycotoxin analysis
Overview of analytical methods for mycotoxin contamination in maize and peanuts
Sampling, sample handling and preparation in grains and cereals
Aflatoxin sampling and determination in bulk maize for export
Bright greenish-yellow fluorescence test for aflatoxin estimation
Plastic minicolumn for aflatoxin detection
Minicolumn screening methods for detecting aflatoxin: state of the art
Factors affecting the TLC of aflatoxins analysis
Assessment of Insect Infestation in stored maize and their relationship to aspergillus flavus contamination
Identification of mycotoxin producing fungi and conditions leading to aflatoxin contamination of stored foodgrains
Aflatoxin analytical methods for groundnuts
Section III - Identification of mycotoxigenic fungi and mycotoxicosis
Training in mould isolation, identification, handling, and evaluation of conditions leading to mycotoxin production
Enumeration of yeasts and moulds and production of toxins
Fungal damage in durable foodstuffs with special reference to storage in the tropics
Section IV - Prevention and control of mycotoxins
Prevention and control of mycotoxins
Control of aflatoxin in maize
The role of leaving maize unharvested in the field after field maturity (field-drying) in controlling aflatoxin contamination
Section V - Physical factors associated with mycotoxin prevention
Corn sheller and moisture meter
Mobile maize dryer development at farm and cooperative/collector levels
Drying and chemical treatment of grains to prevent mycotoxin contamination during storage
Batch and continuous drying
Insect pests of stored products
International rules for seed testing 1985
Basic principles of grain drying
Present state of small-scale grain drying in the USA
Cereals and cereal products - Determination of moisture content (routine method)
Section VI - Mycotoxins in grain in selected countries
Status of research on detection and control of mycotoxins in food grains in Bangladesh
Prevention and control of mycotoxins in foodgrains in India
Mycotoxin contamination of foods and feeds in Nepal
The prevention and control of mycotoxins in Thailand
Mould infection and aflatoxin contamination in foodgrains in Vietnam
Mycotoxins in foodgrains in some Asian countries
Reduction of post-harvest losses in stored grains
Inspection, sampling and analysis of maize and groundnuts for aflatoxin
Aflatoxin research on grain in Asia - its problems and possible solutions
UK-THAI maize project
History of the maize quality improvement research centre and project activities