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The FAO soils bulletins

1 Soils of the arid zones of Chile, 1965 (E**)
2 A survey of soil laboratories in 64 FAO member countries, 1965 (E**)
3 Guide on general and specialized equipment for soil laboratories, 1966 (E**)
4 Guide to 60 soil and water conservation practices, 1966 (E**)
5 Selection of soil for cocoa, 1966 (E** F** S**)
6 Aerial photo interpretation in soil survey, 1967 (E* F* S**)
7 A practical manual of soil microbiology laboratory methods, 1967 (E**)
8 Soil survey interpretation and its use, 1967 (E*)
9 The preparation of soil survey reports, 1970 (E** F** S**)
10 Physical and chemical methods of soil and water analysis, 1970 (E* F* S*)
11 Soil fertility investigations on farmers' fields, 1970 (E* F* S*)
12 A study on the response of wheat to fertilizers, 1971 (E*)
13 Land degradation, 1971 (E*)
14 Improving soil fertility in Africa, 1971 (E* F*)
15 Legislative principles of soil conservation, 1971 (E*)
16 Effects of intensive fertilizer use on the human environment, 1972 (E*)
17 Trace elements in soils and agriculture, 1972 (E* F* S*)
18 Guide to the calibration of soil tests for fertilizer recommendations, 1973 (E* F* S*)
19 Soil survey interpretation for engineering purposes, 1973 (E* F* S*)
20 Fertilizer legislation, 1973 (E* F* S*)
21 Calcareous soils, 1973 (E* F*)
22 Approaches to land classification, 1974 (E**)
23 Management properties of ferralsols, 1974 (E*)
24 Shifting cultivation and soil conservation in Africa, 1974 (E* F*** S*)
25 Sandy soils, 1975 (E*)
26 Planning and organization of fertilizer use development in Africa, 1975 (E*)
27 Organic materials as fertilizers, 1975 (E* F* S*)
28 S. l, units and nomenclature in soil science, 1975 (E**)
29 Land evaluation in Europe, 1976 (E**)
30 Soil conservation in developing countries, 1976 (E* F* S*)
31 Prognosis of salinity and alkalinity, 1976 (E*)
32 A framework for land evaluation, 1976 (E* F* S*)
33 Soil conservation and management in developing countries, 1977 (E*)
34 Assessing soil degradation, 1977 (E*)
35 Organic materials and soil productivity, 1978 (E*)
36 Organic recycling in Asia, 1978 (E*)
37 Improved use of plant nutrients, 1978 (C. E*)
38/1 Soil and plant testing and analysis, 1980 (E* F*** S***)
38/2 Soil and plant testing as a basis of fertilizer recommendations, 1980 (E*)
39 Guidelines for prognosis and monitoring of salinity and sodicity, 1978 (E*** F*** S***)
40 China recycling of organic wastes in agriculture, 1978 (E* F* S*)
41 China azolla propagation and small-scale biogas technology, 1979 (E* F* S***)
42 Soil survey investigations for irrigation, 1979 (E*)
43 Organic recycling in Africa, 1980 (E*)
44 Watershed development with special reference to soil and water conservation, 1979 (E*)
45 Organic materials and soil productivity in the Near East (E***)
46 Blue-green algae for rice production - a manual for its promotion, 1981 (E')

Availability October 1981
C - Chinese
E - English
F - French
S - Spanish

* Available
** Out of print
*** In preparation

FAO Soils Bulletins are available through the authorized FAO Sales Agents or directly from Distribution and Sales Section, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.

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