C Prospects for the future

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Although substantial rainfall received in most SADC countries so far has heralded better prospects for the new growing season, acute shortages of seed, fertilizer and draught power in the wake of last year's disastrous harvests may compromise production recovery.

Good rains have been received in central and northern Angola, favouring land preparation and planting. Substantial falls have blessed parts of Lesotho, Botswana, Namibia, western Zambia, and south-western Zimbabwe. However, delayed and below normal rainfall reported in Malawi, western Tanzania, eastern Zambia, central and southern Mozambique, Swaziland and north-eastern Zimbabwe is already causing concern.

Acute to severe seed shortages have been reported in Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe, which has adversely affected planting of maize. Imported seed has covered only a small portion of demand in some of these countries. The outlook for the 1992/93 crops is not encouraging unless the rainfall situation improves significantly.