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Chapter 2: Objectives for Management

The Objectives for Management are to identify a suitable IRRM Strategy in the overall Atolls (Administration) National Development Programme and at the same time carry out intensive monitoring as well as in-house training programmes to develop an IRRM Programme for the project areas of Vaavu, Dhaalu, Meemu, and Faafu Atolls that:

· Spells out collaborative, participatory reef resources monitoring and management activities and programs involving people directly affected by reef resource utilization (e.g. fisherfolk, the tourism industry, coral miners, etc), as well as Government, relevant NGOs and other stakeholders.

· Includes the development of a mechanism for coordination and cooperation among all parties in order to implement recommendations and identified actions. Consideration will be given to introduce Reef Resources Committees in Malé and the Atolls. The Committees would help to guide monitoring and research and to manage resources. The Committees should represent a full cross-section of interests. A commitment to action and change is required from all parties if the aims of the IRRM process are to be achieved.

· Promotes reef resources management on an on an atoll by atoll basis, to help eliminate the current open access to resources. Introduces pilot scale IRRM programmes, working through existing Atoll Development Committees and Island Development Committees and fisheries subcommittees if present.

· Develops a strategy to increase awareness of the fishing community in particular and the public in general on issues relating to reef resources management, such as the dangers of overfishing, advantages of sustainable resource use, the impacts of coral mining and the benefits of using alternatives to coral rock for construction.

· Develops a plan of phasing out coral mining in the current National Development Plan, working backward from a total ban of 2005 AD.

· Details the enforcement of existing laws and regulations concerning reef fisheries and other reef resources including environment more effectively.

· Establishes a network of marine protected areas, designed to act as harvest refugia and to protect breeding stocks and biodiversity, covering approximately 20% of the total atoll area and including representative samples of all major habitats.

· Documents and builds on the existing local knowledge of marine resources and management systems, in order to provide a sound foundation for IRRM.

The Workshop advised that leadership for executing the specific activities to implement IRRM be assigned to relevant management levels: National; Atoll; and Island. These management levels have been recommended according to the functions described in Chapter 5 'Coordinating and Implementation Mechanism'. Recommended actions are listed below by issue and lead responsible management level.

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