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Agricultural Economics Department. 1973 Design and management of irrigation systems for improved water management. Saturday Seminar, 10 November 1973. IRRI, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.

Alien W.H. and Lambert J.R. 1971 Application of the principle of, the calculated risk to scheduling of supplemental irrigation, I. Concepts. Agricultural Meteorology 8:193-201.

ASCE 1971 Committee on Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation and Drainage Systems. Organization for Operation and Maintenance. J. Irrig. and Drainage Division 97:601-633. ASCE, IR 4.

Bagadion B. et al. 1980 Promoting participatory management on small irrigation schemes: An experiment from the Philippines. Network Paper 2/80/2. Agricultural Administration Unit, Overseas Development Institute, London.

Bartley T.R. 1976 Investigations of copper sulfate for aquatic weed control. Water Resources Technical Publication, Research Report No. 27. Bureau of Reclamation, US Department of the Interior.

Bartley T.R. 1974 and Gangstad E.O. Environmental aspects of aquatic plant control. J. Irrig. and Drainage Division, ASCE, September.

Beal G.M., 1971 Coward E.W. Jr. and Brooks R.M. Some effects of intangible goals on resource development programs. J. Community Development Society 2(1):48-58.

Belshaw D. and Chambers R. 1973 A practical management system for implementing rural development programmes and projects. Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi. Discussion Paper No. 162, 35 p. Nairobi.

Benor D. and Harrison J.O. 1977 Sistema de capacitación y visitas. Extension Agricola, Banco Mundial, Washington DC 20433.

Benton A. Jr., James W.P. and Rouse J.W. Jr. 1978 Evapotranspiration from water hyacinth in Texas reservoirs. Water Resources Bull. 14(4):919-930.

Blackburn R.D., Sutton D.L. and Taylor T. 1971 Biological control of aquatic weeds. J. Irrig. and Drainage Division 97(5): 421 - 432. Proc. ASCE, IR 3.

Boaz M. 1968 The irrigation and soil field service in Israel. Seminar on Sprinkler Irrigation, Verona, 16 March 1968. International Study Center for Irrigation, Verona.

Bos M.G. 1977 Some influences of project management on irrigation efficiencies. In: Arid Land Irrigation in Developing Countries. Worthington (ed.). ILRI, Wageningen.

Bottrall A. 1978 Evaluating the organisation and management of irrigated agriculture. Meeting on Management and Institutions in Agricultural Development, ODI, London.

Bottrall A. 1978 The management and operation of irrigation schemes in less developed countries. In: The Social and Ecological Effects of Water Development in Developing Countries, pp. 309-322. Widstrand C. (ed.). Pergamon, New York.

Bottrall A. 1981 Comparative study of the management and organization of irrigation projects. World Bank Staff Working Paper No. 458. World Bank, Washington DC 20433.

Buras N., Nir D. and Alperovits E. 1973 Planning and updating farm irrigation schedules. J. Irrig. and Drainage Division 99:43-51. ASCE, IR 1.

Carruthers I. 1978 Contentious issues in planning irrigation schemes. In: The Social and Ecological Effects of Water Development in Developing Countries, pp. 301-308. Widstrand C. (ed.). Pergamon, New York.

Carruthers I.D. and Clayton E.S. 1977 Ex-post evaluation of agricultural projects - its implication for planning. Wye College, University of London. 13 p.

Chambers R. 1969 Settlement Schemes in Tropical Africa, A Study of Organizations and Development. Rout ledge and Keg an Paul, London.

Chambers R. 1977 Men and water: The organisation and operation of irrigation. In: Green Revolution? Technology and Change in Rice Growing Areas of Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka, pp. 340-363. Farmers B.H. (ed.). Westview, Boulder, Colorado.

Chambers R. 1978 Identifying research priorities in water development. In: The Social and Ecological Effects of Water Development in Developing Countries, pp. 389-398. Widstrand C. (ed.). Pergamon, New York.

Chambers R. 1980 In search of a water revolution: Questions for managing canal irrigation in the 1980s. Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton. 28 p.

Chambers R. and Moris J. (eds.). 1973 Mwea: An Irrigated Rice Settlement in Kenya. Welforum Verlag, Munich. 539 p.

Chimonides S.J. 1979 Irrigation efficiency as related to the operation of irrigation projects. Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Nicosia. 37 p.

Convenio DGA - IICA. 1975 Manual para la operación de riego. DGA, Ministerio de Agricultura del Perú y el Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agricolas, Lima.

Coward E.W. Jr. Institutional and social organizational factors affecting irrigation: Their application to a specific case. International Institute of Rural Reconstruction, Cavite, Philippines. 12 p.:

Coward E.W. Jr. 1972 Irrigation and organization: Research in Progress. Philippine Socio-logical Review 20: 171-176.

Coward E.W. Jr. 1974 Water runs down hill and evaporates: Human organization and the management of water environments. Paper prepared for the Mekong Development Seminar, 20-23 August 1974, Pattaya, Thailand.

Coward E.W. Jr. 1976 Irrigation institutions and organizations: An international bibliography. Cornell International Agriculture Mimeograph 49, Ithaca, NY.

Coward E.W. Jr. 1978 Research methodology in the study of irrigation organization: A review of approaches and applications. Seminar Report No. 18, Agricultural Development Council Inc., New York, NY 10019.

Coward E.W. Jr. 1980 Irrigation development: Institutional and organizational issues. In: Irrigation and Agricultural Development in Asia: Perspectives from the Social Sciences, pp. 15-27. Coward E.W. Jr. (ed.). Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY.

Coward E.W. Jr. (ed.). 1980 Irrigation and Agricultural Development in Asia: Perspectives from the Social Sciences. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY. 369 p.

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Dutt G.R. and Booher L.J. Corrosion of irrigation structures. University of California Agricultural Extension Service, Pub. AXT-109. 8 p.

Easter K.W. 1975 Field channels: A key to better Indian irrigation. Water Resources Research 11(3):389-392.

Easter K.W. 1977 Improving village irrigation systems: An example from India. Land Economics 53(1):56-66.

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FAO. 1961 Methods and machinery for cutting and cleaning irrigation and drainage channels. Agricultural Engineering Informal Working Bulletin No. 13, Land and Water Development Division, Rome. 35 p.

FAO. 1968 Handbook of utilization of aquatic plants. A compilation of the world's publications. P1:CP/20. Plant Production and Protection Division, Rome.

FAO. 1968 Successful irrigation: Planning, development and management. Hagan R.M., Houston C.E. and Allison S.V. Rome. 53 p.

FAO. 1970 Land and water use and management in the Chambal irrigated area, Rajasthan. Aquatic weed control. Blackburn R.D. AGL:SF/70/30. Rome. 15 p.

FAO. 1971 El desarrollo del plan nacional de irrigación. Informe al Gobierno de Guatemala. AT 2916. Rome.- 59 p.

FAO. 1972 Farm water management seminar Manila. Irrigation and Drainage Paper 12. Rome. 342 p.

FAO. 1972 Water use seminar Damascus. Irrigation and Drainage Paper 13. Rome. 312 p.

FAO. 1973 Pilot irrigation development scheme, Asutsuare, Ghana. Farm management and settlement. AGL:SF/GHA 14, Technical Report 2. Rome. 97 p.

FAO. 1974 Training extension workers in newly irrigated areas. Maalouf W.D. and Horning H.M. Rome. 17 p.

FAO. 1976 Papers for EGA Sixth Session of the Working Party on Water Resources and Irrigation, Seville, Spain, 10-16 May 1976.

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- Ortiz J.A. and Urrutia F. Conservation of watercourses by the control of aquatic weeds.

- Robson T.O. and Fillenham L.F. Weed control in land drainage channels in Britain.

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FAO. 1978 Farm Management Notes for Asia and the Far East. Regular Issue No. 5. Regional Office Bangkok. 64 p.

FAO. 1979 Yield response to water. Irrigation and Drainage Paper 33. Doorenbos J. and Kassam A.H. Rome. 193 p.

FAO. 1979 Water management in the Gezira, The Sudan. TCP/SUD/6701. Rome. 22 p.

FAO. 1979 Training programme for irrigation engineers, Malawi. TCP/MLW/6702. Rome. 45 p.

FAO. 1981 Irrigation and water management briefs. Collected Papers. Branscheid V. Investment Centre. Rome. 66 p.

FAO. 1982 Farmers' participation and organization for irrigation water management. Inter-national Support Programme for Farm Water Management, Land and Water-Development Division, Rome. (April) 30 p.

Freeman D.M. and Lowdermilk M.K. 1981 Sociological analysis of irrigation water management - A perspective and approach to assist decision making. In: Public Choice and Rural Development, pp. 153-173. Russell C.S. and Nicholson N.K. (eds.). Resources for the Future, Washington DC.

Gallagher D.R. and Robinson R.W. 1977 Influence of metering, pricing policies and incentives on water use efficiency. Australian Water Resources Council, Technical Paper No. 19. Department of National Resources, Canberra. 138 p.

Glick T.F. 1970 Irrigation and Society in Medieval Valencia. Harvard University, Princeton. (ISBN-0-674-46675 Beknap Pr.)

Grassi C.J. 1977 Operación y conservación de sistemas de riego. Centre Interamericano de Desarrollo Integral de Aguas y Tierras, Mérida, Venezuela. 233 p.

Gustafson W.E. and Reidinger R.B. 1971 Delivery of canal water in North India and West Pakistan. South Asia Series. Center for South and Southeast Asia Studies, Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. (Reprint No. 395, 6 p.)

Haissman I. 1971 Generating skilled manpower for irrigation projects in developing countries: A study of Northwest Mexico. Water Resources Research 7:1-17.

Hellinga F. 1960 Local administration of water control in a number of European countries. Publication 8, ILRI, Wageningen. 55 p.

Hutchins W.A. 1952 Irrigation institutions - Part I. Irrigation organizations. Division of Irrigation, College of Agriculture, University of California, Davis CA 95616. 40 p.

Hutchins W.A. 1952 Irrigation institutions - Part II. Irrigation water rights. Division of Irrigation, College of Agriculture, University of California, Davis, CA 95616. 65 p.

ILRI. 1968 Agricultural extension in the developing countries. A bibliography. De Vries C.A. (comp.) ILRI, Wageningen. 125 p.

Ingrain H. 1972 The changing decision rules in the politics of water development. Water Resources Bulletin 8(6):1177-1188.

I-pai Wu and Tung Liang. 1972 Optimal irrigation quantity and frequency. J. Irrig. And Drainage Division 98:117-133. ASCE, IR 1.

IRRI. 1973 Water management in Philippine irrigation systems: Research and operations. Water Management Workshop, 11-14 December 1972. IRRI, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. 270 p.

IRRI 1974 Annual Report 1974. Irrigation water management, pp. 236-248. IRRI, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines.

IRRI. 1978 Irrigation policy and management in Southeast Asia. IRRI, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. 198 p.

IRRI/Agricultural Development Council. 1976 Bibliography on socio-economic aspects of Asian irrigation. Singapore University Press Pte. Ltd. 80 p.

Japan International Cooperation Agency. 1976 Subak system in Bali, Indonesia. JICA, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo. 44 p.

Jayaraman T.K. 1980 Implementation of warabandhi: A management approach. Workshop on Rotational System of Canal Supplies and Warabandhi, 23-26 April 1980. Administrative Staff College, Hyderabad.

Jensen M.E., Robb D.C.N. and Franzoy C.E. 1969 Scheduling irrigations using climate-crop-soil data. ASCE Irrigation and Drainage Division National Meeting on Water Resources, 3-7 February 1969, New Orleans, LA. 21 p.

Johnson S.H., Early A.C. and Lowdermilk M.K. 1977 Water problems in the Indus food machine. Water Resources Bulletin 13(6):1253-1268.

Kemper W.D., Clyma W. and Ashraf M.M. 1976 Improvement and maintenance of earthen watercourses to reduce waterlogging and increase water supplies for crop production. International Conference on Waterlogging and Salinity, 13-17 October 1975, Lahore, Pakistan. Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore.

Lee Chow. 1960 Development of rotational irrigation in Taiwan. J. Irrig. and Drainage Division 86:1-12. ASCE, IR 3.

Leuenberger R. 1976 Water delivery by rotation as an integral part of irrigation water administration and water management. Command Area Development Project IND/74/-088. Working Paper No. 3. Government of India and UNDP/FAO.

Levine G. 1980 The relationship of design, operation and management. In: Irrigation and Agricultural Development in Asia, pp. 51-62. Coward E.W. Jr. (ed.). Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY.

Levine G., Capener H. and Gore P. 1973 The management of irrigation systems for the farm. An Interpretive Summary of the ADC/RTN Irrigation Seminar, 16-18 October 1972, Cornell University. Agricultural Development Council, New York, NY 10020.

Levine G. and Hart H.C. 1981 Mobilizing local resources for irrigation. Report No. 22, Agricultural Development Council, Bangkok. 16 p.

Lowdermilk M.K. 1981 Promoting increased food production in the 1980s: Approaches to agricultural extension in different production systems. Symposium 5-9 January 1981, World Bank, Washington DC. 63 p.

Lowdermilk M.K., Early A.C. and Freeman D.M. 1978 Farm irrigation constraints and farmers' responses: Comprehensive field survey in Pakistan. Water Management Technical Report No. 48-A, Vol. I. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. 100 p.

Luque J.A. and Paoloni J.D. 1972 Manual de operación de riego. Ediciones Riagro, Punta Alta, Prov. Buenos Aires. 238 p.

Macdonald Sir. M. & Partners. 1981 East Java irrigation operation and maintenance. Vol. I. Main Report. Overseas Development Administration, UK. 75 p.

Malik M.B.A. 1974 Maintenance manual for irrigation works. Technical Note No. 40, UNDP/FAO Greater Mussayib Project. UNDP/FAO. 35 p.

Malik M.B.A. 1978 Maintenance of irrigation systems. Question 35.2, ICID Tenth Congress, Athens, Greece. ICID, New Delhi. 44 p.

Martin - Retortillo S. 1969 Water resources administration in Spain. Interregional Seminar on Current Issues of Water Resources Administration, January-February 1973, New Delhi. ESA/RT/Meeting V/Background Document 1, UN, New York. 115 p.

Medici G. 1976 I consorzi di bonifica nella regione. Associazione Nazionale delle Bonifiche, delle Irrigazioni e dei Miglioramenti Fondiari, Bologna. 20 p.

Milligan T. 1973 Scheduling irrigations with high-speed data from a computer. Irrigation Age, May.

Milligan T. 1973 Class 'A' pan and irrigation scheduling. Irrigation Age. May. pp. 12-17.

Ministerio de Obras Publicas. 1974 Zona regable de Orellana, Memoria de Explotación Campaña 1974. Dirección General de Obras Hidráulicas, Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadiana, Madrid. 88 p.

Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation. 1975 Irrigation rates and betterment levy - A critical study. Directorate of Statistics, Central Water Commission, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, New Delhi. 88 p.

Ministry of Food and Agriculture. 1978 Proc. Seminar on Water Users Associations for Improving Irrigated Agriculture, 24 June 1978, Islamabad. Government of Pakistan, Islamabad. 62 p.

Muspratt M.A. 1971 Optimal distribution of water to irrigation canals. J. Hydrol. 14:19-21.

Neghassi H.M. and Seagraves J.A. 1978 Efficiency in the use of water for irrigation: The role of prices and regulations. Natural Resources Forum 3:53-72. United Nations, New York.

Norero A. 1977 Calculos agronomicos relacionados con el reigo. CIDIAT, Mérida, Venezuela. 25 p.

OCDE. 1978 La participation paysanne sur les périmètres villageois d'irrigation par pompage de la zone de Matam au Sénégal. Expériences de Développement Rural, Document Spécial No. 4, C.D./R (78)12. Centre de Développement de l'OCDE, Paris. 85 p.

Oxby C. and Bottrall A. The role of farmers' in decision-making on irrigation systems. Overseas Development Institute, London. 26 p.

Palmer Jones R. and Carruthers I. 1977 Agricultural water use. Economic Commission for Western Asia, Seminar on Technology Transfer and Change in the Arab Middle East, 10-14 Oct. 1977, Beirut. E/ECWA/NR/SEM.1/17. UN ECOSOC, New York. 39 p.

Philippine Society of Agricultural Engineers. 1979 Communal irrigation. J. Philippine Agricultural Engineering X (2). 46 p.

Plummer A.W. 1964 An analysis of functional services required in water resource development especially as required for irrigation agriculture. Fifth Near East/South Asia Regional Irrigation Practices Seminar, March 1964, New Delhi, India. (Mimeograph, unpublished document). 20 p.

Quiroga E.R. 1950 El distrito de riego Zapotitan: Caso de estudio sobre la transformación de la agricultura de subsistencía mediante riego en El Salvador. Thesis (in Spanish). Post-graduate School, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. 24 p.

Reidinger R.B. 1974 Institutional rationing of canal water in Northern India: Conflict between traditional patterns and modern needs. Economic Development and Cultural Change 23 (I):79-104.

Reyes Morquecho J.R. Instructive para operaçao e manutençao dos perimetros irrigados (Manual for the operation and maintenance of irrigated areas). Projecto UNDP/FAO/BRA/74/008 (Mimeograph). 38 p.

Ritchie I.J., Dent J.B. and Blackie M.J. 1978 Irrigation management: An information system approach. Agricultural Systems 3:67-74.

Robles Espinosa J. and Espinosa de Leon E. 1972 Utilización de la experiencia obtenida de la operación de los distritos de riego - para su planeación y mejoramiento. Tema No. 4, Simposio Internacional sobre Planificación de Recursos Hidráulicos. 4-8 de Diciembre de 1972, México DF. 30 p.

Sagardoy J.A. 1971 Irrigation organizations. In: FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 13. Rome. pp. 254-266.

Sagardoy J.A. 1974 Water administration and management of irrigation schemes. FAO, Rome. (unpublished document)

Sagardoy J.A. 1980 The role of water pricing and metering in promoting efficient irrigation water use. Seminar on Economic Instruments for Rational Utilization of Water Resources. WATER/SEM.7/R.9. UN ECE, Geneva. 16 p.

Saint W.S. and Coward E.W. Jr. 1977 Agriculture and behavioral science: Emerging orientations. Science 197:733-737.

Schutjer W.A. and Coward E.W. Jr. 1971 Planning agricultural development - the matter of priorities. J. Developing Areas 6(1):29-38.

Secretaría de Recursos Hidráulicos. 1958 Instructivo para la formulación de planes de riego en los distritos nacionales de riego. 2nd ed. Instructivo Técnico No. 12. Dirección General de Distritos de Riego, Departamento de Planeación Investigación y Estadistica. México DF. 21 p.

Secretaría de Recursos Hidráulicos. 1958 Instructivo para la operación y conservación de los distritos de riego. Instructivo Técnico No. 24. Tomo Primero. Jefatura de Operación, Departamento de Planeación, Investigación y Estadistica. México DF. 93 p.

Secretaría de Recursos Hidráulicos. 1972 Programa de capacitación permanente. Material Técnico, Nivel Técnico Superior. DOS volúmenes. México DF. 600 p.

Shaw D.J. 1965 The Managil South-western Extension: An extension to the Gezira scheme. ILRI Bull. 9. Wageningen. 37 p.

Sims D.A. 1973 The aquatic weed problem in the Chambal scheme. Appendix 2 of Agricultural Engineering Aspects of Command Area Development. UNDP/FAO Soil and Water Management Project. IND. 72(020) Working Paper 1 (mimeograph, unpublished document). FAO, Rome.

Smith R.A. 1970 Management structure for irrigation. J. Irrig. and Drainage Division, ASCE IR 4. pp. 475-488.

State Rivers and Water Supply Commission. 1969 Water Bailiffs Manual. State Rivers and Water Supply Commission, Victoria, Australia. 101 p.

State Rivers and Water Supply Commission. 1975 Catalogue of mechanical plant used in channel and drain maintenance. Plant Section of State Rivers and Water Supply Commission, Victoria, Australia. 40 p.

Steinberg D. et al. 1980 Philippine small scale irrigation. AID Project Impact Evaluation Report No. 4. USAID, Washington DC.

Swales G.H. 1977 Maintenance of irrigation/drainage systems in Victoria, Australia. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin 28, Rome. 404 p.

Tabbal D.F. and Wickham T.H. 1976 The effect of location and water supply on water shortages in an irrigated area. Saturday Seminar, 26 June 1976. IRRI, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. 16 p.

Takes C.A.P. 1975 Land settlement and resettlement projects: Some guidelines for their planning and implementation. ILRI Bull. 14, Wageningen. 44 p.

Taylor D.C. 1976 Agricultural development through group action to improve the distribution of water in Asian gravity-flow irrigation systems. Teaching and Research Forum. The Agricultural Development Council, Singapore. 23 p.

Taylor D.C. and Wickham T.H. (eds.) 1970 Irrigation policy and the management of irrigation systems in Southeast Asia. The Agricultural Development Council, Bangkok. 198 p.

Technical Committee of the Water Resources Research Centers of the Thirteen Western States. 1974 Water resources planning, social goals, and indicators: Methodological development and empirical test. Utah Water Research Laboratory, Logan, Utah 84322. 261 p.

Thornton D.S. 1974 The organization of irrigated areas. Paper No. 14. Policy and Practice in Rural Development. Hunter G., Bunting A., Bottrall A.H. (eds.). Proc. 2nd Int. Seminar on Change in Agriculture, September 1974, Reading, pp. 147-157.

Tineo Diaz C.A. 1968 Experiencias en la operación del sistema de riego Las Majaguas. Tema IV. Construcción, Desarrollo y Funcionamiento de las Obras de Riego. V Seminario Latinoamericano de Irrigación. III Jornadas Venezolanas de Riego. Comité Coordinador del Sistema de Riego Cojees, Sarape, Venezuela. 21 p.

UN. 1980 Efficiency and distribution equity in the use and treatment of water: Guidelines for pricing and regulations. Natural -Resources/Water Series No. 8. ST/ESA/103. United Nations, New York. 175 p.

UN CAFE. 1972 The application of modern management techniques to the operation and maintenance of water resources projects. Regional Conference of Water Resources Development, 18-25 September 1972, Manila. E/CN.11/WRD/Conf. 10/L.529 p. ECOSOC, New York.

Unesco. 1974 Aquatic Vegetation and Its Use and Control. Mitchell D.S. (ed.) Unesco, Paris. 135 p.

UNITAR. 1977 The water hyacinth: Foe or friend? Important for the Future, 11(1):2-3.

USDA. 1964 Tolerance of certain crops to several aquatic herbicides in irrigation water. Tech. Bull. 1299. ARS, USDA, Washington DC. 21 p.

USDA. 1975 Inspecting and 'cleaning subsurface drain systems. Farmers' Bull. 2258. ARS, USDA, Washington DC. 16 p.

Valera A. and Wickham T. 1976 Management of traditional and improved irrigation systems: Some findings from the Philippines. Choice in Irrigation Management Workshop, 27 September - 1 October 1976, University of Kent, Canterbury, England. Irrigation and Water Management Department, IRRI, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. 15 p.

Valera A., Tabbal D., Reyes R. and Barker R. 1975 The effect of improved water control in irrigation canals on crop production. FAO/NIA Two National Seminars on Water Management and Control at the Farm Level, 6-11 October, Iliolo and 13-18 October 1975, Quezon City. Irrigation and Water Management Department, IRRI, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. 31 p.

Von Chong Sánchez G. 1968 Experiencias de la Finca Escuela experimental de Las Majaguas. V Seminario Latinoamericano de Irrigación. III Jornadas Venezolanas de Riego, 20 al 31 de Octubre 1968. Comite Coordinador del Sistema de Riego Cojedes, Sarare, Venezuela. 9 p.

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Widstrand C. (ed.) 1978 The Social and Ecological Effects of Water Development in Developing Countries, Part 1. Vol. 7 Water and Society: Conflicts in Development, pp. 279-340.

World Bank. Operation, maintenance and repair of selected irrigation systems. AGR/T/1, Agricultural and Rural Development Department, Central Projects Staff, World Bank, Washington DC. 38 p.


1. Irrigation practice and water management, 1971 (Ar* E* F* S** - E Rev. 1,1984)

2. Irrigation canal lining (New edition (1977) available in E, F and S in the FAO Land and Water Development Series)

3. Design criteria for basin irrigation systems, 1971 (E**)

4. Village irrigation programmes - a new approach in water economy, 1971 (E* F*)

5. Automated irrigation, 1971 (E* F* S**)

6. Drainage of heavy soils, 1971 (E* F* S**)

7. Salinity seminar, Baghdad, 1971 (E* F*)

8. Water and the environment, 1971 (E** F* S*)

9. Drainage materials, 1972 (E** F *S*),

10. Integrated farm water management, 1971 (E*** F* S*)

11. Planning methodology seminar, Bucharest, 1972 (E** F**)

12. Farm water management seminar, Manila, 1972 (E**)

13. Water-use seminar, Damascus, 1972 (E* F**)

14. Trickle irrigation, 1973 (E** F** S**)

15. Drainage machinery, 1973 (E* F*)

16. Drainage of salty soils, 1973 (E** F** S**)

17. Man's influence on the hydrological cycle, 1973 (E* P** S**)

18. Groundwater seminar, Granada, 1973 (E** F* S*)

19. Mathematical models in hydrology, 1978 (E*)

20. Water laws in Moslem countries. Vol. 1,1973 (E* F*) Vol. 2,1978 (E* F*)

21. Groundwater models, 1973 (E*)

22. Water for agriculture, 1973 (E** F* S**)

23. Simulation methods in water development, 1974 (E* F* S**)

24. Crop water requirements (Revised), 1977 (E* F* S**)

25. Effective rainfall, 1974 (E** F** S**)

26. Small hydraulic structures (Vols 1 and 2), 1975 (E* F* S*)

27. Agro-meteorological field stations, 1976 (E** F* S*)

28. Drainage testing, 1976 (E* F* S**)

29. Water quality for agriculture, 1976 (E** F* S** - E Rev. 1 in preparation)

30. Self-help wells, 1977 (E")

31. Groundwater pollution, 1979 (E* S*)

32. Deterministic models in hydrology, 1979 (E*)

33. Yield response to water, 1979 (E* F* S*)

34. Corrosion and encrustation in water wells, 1980 (E*)

35. Mechanized sprinkler irrigation, 1982 (E* F* S***)

36. Localized irrigation, 1980 (Ar*** E* F* S***)

37. Arid zone hydrology, 1980 (E*)

38. Drainage design factors, 1980 (Ar*** E* F* S*)

39. Lysimeters, 1982 (E* F*** S***)

40. Organization, operation and maintenance of irrigation schemes, 1982 (E* F*** S***)

41. Environmental management for vector control in rice fields, 1984 (E* F*** S***)

Availability: February 1986

Ar - Arabic

* Available

E - English

** Out of print

F - French

*** In preparation

S - Spanish

The FAO Technical-Papers can be purchased locally through FAO sales agents or directly from Distribution and Sales Section, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.

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