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General statistical and sampling theory

COCHRAN, W.G. 1953, Sampling techniques. New York, Wiley. 330 p.

DEMING, W.E. 1950, Some theory of sampling. New York, Wiley. 602 p.

FISHER, R.A. 1925, Statistical methods for research workers. 2nd ed. Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd. 269 p.

GRAY, P.G. & CORLETT, T. 1950, Sampling for the social survey. J. R. statist. Soc. (A), 113:150-206.

HANSEN, M.H. & HURWITZ, W.N. 1943, On the theory of sampling from finite populations. Ann. math. Statist., 14:333-362.

HANSEN, M.H. & HURWITZ, W.N. 1949, On the determination of the optimum probabilities in sampling. Am. math. Statist., 20:426-432.

HOEL, P.G. 1948, The accuracy of sampling methods in ecology. Ann. math. Statist., 14: 289-300.

JESSEN, R.J. et al. 1947, On a population sample for Greece. J. Amer. statist. Ass., 42:357-384.

MAHALANOBIS, P.C. 1944, On large scale sample surveys. Phil. Trans. (B):231.

NEYMANN, J. 1934, On the two different aspects of the representative method: the method of stratified sampling and the method of purposive selection. J. R. statist. Soc., 97:558-606.

SCHUMACHER, F.X. & CHAPMAN, R.A. 1942, Sampling methods in forestry and range management. Durham, North Carolina, Duke University School of Forestry. 213 p.

YATES, F. 1949, Sampling methods for censuses and surveys. London, Griffin. 318 p.

YATES, F. & FINNEY, D.J. 1942, Statistical problems on field sampling for wireworms. Ann. appl. Biol., 29:156-167.

YULE, G.V. & KENDALL, M.G. 1950, Introduction to the theory of statistics. 14th ed. London, Griffin. 701 p.

Application of sampling methods to fisheries

BURD, A.C. 1958, An analysis of the method of sampling the East Anglian herring catches. J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer, 24:80-94.

FRIDRIKSSON, A. 1934, On the calculation of age-distribution within a stock of cod by means of relatively few age-determinations as a key to measurements on a large scale. Rapp. Cons. int. Explor. Mer, 86:1-14.

FRY, F.E.J. 1949, Statistics of a lake trout fishery. Biometrics, 5:27-67.

GULLAND, J.A. 1955, Estimation of growth and mortality in commercial fish populations. Fishery Investigations, Lond., Ser. 2, 18(9). 46 p.

GULLAND, J.A. 1956, The study of fish populations by the analysis of commercial catches: a statistical review. Rapp. Cons. int. Explor. Mer, 140:21-27.

GULLAND, J.A. 1957, Sampling problems and methods in fisheries research. FAO Fish. Bull., 10(4):157-181.

HENNEMUTH R.C. 1957, An analysis of methods of sampling to determine the size composition of commercial landings of yellowfin tuna. Bull. Inter-Amer. Trop. Tuna Comm., 2(5):174-243.

HODGSON, W.C. 1939, An improved method of sampling herring shoals. Rapp. Cons. int. Explor. Mer, 110:31-80.

HOLMES, R.W. & WIDRIG, T.M. 1956, The enumeration and collection of marine phytoplankton. J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer, 22(1):21-32.

HOLT, S.J. 1959, Report of the international training centre on the methodology and techniques of research on mackerel (Rastrelliger). FAO/ETAP Report No. 1095. 129 p.

JONES, R. 1956, A discussion of some limitations of the trawl as a sampling instrument. Rapp. Cons. int. Explor. Mer, 140:44-47.

KETCHEN, K.S. 1950, Stratified sub-sampling for determining age-distributions. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc., 79:205-212.

KURITA, S. et al. 1956, Report on sampling survey for "iwashi" catch and fishing effort. Bull. Tokai Fish. Res. Lab., (13):1-34.

MACKETT, D.J. 1963, A method of sampling the Pacific albacore (Thunnus germo) catch for relative age-composition. FAO Fish. Rep., 3(6):1355-1361.

MARGETTS, A.R. 1956, The sampling of demersal fish stocks by trawls and seines. Rapp. Cons. int. Explor. Mer, 140(1):40-43.

PANSE, V.G. & SASTRY, K.V.R. 1958, Sample surveys for the improvement of fishery statistics in Egypt. Rome, FAO. 96 p. (Mimeo)

POPE, J.A. 1956, An outline of sampling techniques. Rapp. Cons. int. Explor. Mer, 140(1):11-20.

SETTE, O. 1941, Digit bias in measuring, and a device to overcome it. Copeia, (2):77-80.

TANAKA, S. Precision of age-composition of fish estimated by double sampling method using the length for stratification. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish., 19(5):657-670.

VAN CLOVE, R. & PRUTER, A.T. 1956, Problems of sampling a Puget Sound population of English sole (Parophrys vetulus). Rapp. Cons. int. Explor. Mer, 140(1):87-93.

WINSOR, G.P. & CLARKE, G.L. 1940, A statistical study of variation in the catch of plankton nets. J. Mar. Res., 3:1-34.

YAMAMOTO, T. 1953, Sampling survey of fisheries catch statistics in Japan. Tokyo, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Statistics and Survey Division, Fisheries Statistics Section. 55 p.

Sources of data

FITCH, J.E. 1958, Age composition of the southern Californian catch of Pacific mackerel for the two seasons 1955-56 and 1956-57. Fish. Bull., Sacramento, (106):19-26.

FRIDRIKSSON, A. 1934, On the calculation of age-distribution within a stock of cod by means of relatively few age-determinations as a key to measurements on a large scale. Rapp. Cons. int. Explor. Mer, 85:1-14.



KRISHNAMURTHI, B. 1957, Fishery resources of the Rameswaram Island. Indian Fish; 4(2):229-254.

LOWE, R.H. 1952, Report on the Tilapia and other fish and fisheries of Lake Nyasa 1945-47. Fishery Publications, Lond., 1(2). 126 p.

PANSE, V.G. & SASTRY, K.V.R. 1958, Sample surveys for the improvement of fishery statistics in Egypt. Rome, FAO. 96 p. (Mimeo)

POPE, J.A. 1956, An outline of sampling techniques. Rapp. Cons. int. Explor. Mer, 140(1):11-20.

RUSSELL, E.S. 1922, Report on market measurements in relation to the English cod fishery during the years 1912-14. Fishery Investigations, Lond., Ser. 2, 5(1).


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