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The scarcity of well trained and experienced practical aquaculturists is probably the most important constraint to rapid expansion of aquaculture worldwide. While different categories of personnel are needed for a well-rounded development programme, institutionalized training is needed for three categories of core personnel, viz., senior aquaculturists, technicians and extension workers. The number of senior aquaculturists needed in most countries at any particular time is too small to warrant national training arrangements. It would, therefore, be necessary to organize multidisciplinary training of such personnel on a regional or sub-regional basis in suitable institutions with adequate facilities and qualified training staff. Technicians and extension workers have to be trained in their own countries or, when necessary, on a group-country basis in the local language, with adequate emphasis on the culture systems and techniques that are likely to be utilized in their future work.

The establishment of regional training centres for senior aquaculturists and national centres for training of technicians and extension personnel would therefore be of high priority. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of the training to be imparted and the need for adequate facilities for practical work in the field, hatcheries and laboratories, the establishment of such training centres will obviously be somewhat expensive. Because of this it may be necessary, at least initially, to combine training with research, even though this may not be the ideal arrangement.

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