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New Publications

Binomugizi, M., Kiuru, J., Mashimi, J. B., and Salehe, J. Y., 1991. Forest industry survey in the Arusha and Kilimanjaro regions. Tanzania Forestry Action Plan. Working Paper No. 36. Forestry Training Programme, Finland. 31p.

Eeronheimo, O., 1991. Manual production of sawntimber in Uganda. FTP Technical Paper No. 1. Forestry Training Programme, Finland. 34p.

LIRO, 1991/2 - 1993/4. Three year research work programme of the New Zealand Logging Industry Research Organization (LIRO); Special Report No. 6. Harvesting Division of the Forest Research Institute. LIRO produces a Newsletter and other publications which may be of interest to readers. Furthermore, they provide an Index to Publications (1976 - 1991). For further information contact:

Logging Industry Research Organization, P.O. Box 147, Rotorua, New Zealand.

Seminar, 1991. Development of small-scale forest industries in the Arusha and Kilimanjaro regions. (A series of papers). Tanzania Forestry Action Plan. Seminar Report. FTP Report 1991:13. Forestry Training Programme, Finland. 116p.

Wyss, P., 1990. Debardage attele avec des zebus. (Une possibilité d'amélioration des techniques d'exploitation). Centre de Formation Professionnelle Forestiere de Morondava (CFPF). Fiche Technique No. 19. 30p.

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