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Editorial Support Staff

Jeanne Boban

Jeanne Boban has worked in various secretarial capacities at FAO in Rome since December 1977. Before taking up her current appointment in the Forest Harvesting and Transport Branch in January 1985 she worked in the Plant Production and Protection Division of the FAO Agriculture Department. In addition to her regular duties as secretary of the Branch, Jeanne has assisted in the establishment of the forest harvesting network by sending this Bulletin to the more than 3000 institutional and individual subscribers and by handling all of the related correspondence. Before coming to Rome Jeanne worked for the United Nations in Ethiopia and thus knows first-hand the day to day problems of life in developing countries.

Principal Organizer Rudolf Heinrich

Rudolf Heinrich

Rudolf Heinrich has been associated with FAO since January 1972. In 1983 he was appointed Chief of the Logging and Transport Branch, which under his leadership in 1990 was renamed the Forest Harvesting and Transport Branch. During his tenure at FAO Rudi has carried out numerous technical missions to promote environmentally sound and economically viable forest harvesting, encouraging wise use of the forest resource through UNDP, Trust Fund and World Food Programme projects. One of his main concerns has been the transfer of appropriate technology to promote sustainable forestry. In addition to his regular duties he has also worked to develop close collaborative relationships with ECE, ILO, IUFRO, and UNIDO.

Contact Address:

FAO (FOPH). Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome. Tel: +39 (6) 57974068, Fax: +39 (6) 57975137.

Editor Raymond M. Keogh

M. Keogh

The editing of the Forest Harvesting Bulletin is being carried out by Raymond M. Keogh, Head of the Overseas Division of Coillte (the Irish Forestry Board).

Raymond is a forestry consultant who has specialised in the area of silvicultural research and communications (extension, training and editing) and has worked in Central America, the Caribbean and Africa. His most recent assignments have been with GTZ in Benin and Costa Rica were he has provided advice on the management of plantations, particularly teak.

He has represented his country in the Forestry Advisors Group of TFAP as well as ITTO and in the European Community.

Contact Address:

c/o IDI, Wilton Park House, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland. Tel: +353 (1) 687555, Fax: + 353 (1) 601733.

Forestry Officer Dennis Dykstra

Dennis Dykstra

The newest face at the FAO Forest Harvesting and Transport Branch is that of Dennis Dykstra, who joined the branch as a full-time staff member at the end of April 1992. Before coming to FAO Dennis worked in the forest industry and then as a professor of forest operations. He has taught in the U.S.A. at Oregon State, Yale, and Northern Arizona universities and at Sokoine University of Agriculture in Morogoro, Tanzania. He also worked for two years in the Forest Sector Project for the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Vienna, Austria. Since 1985 he has been leader of the subject group "Forest Operations in the Tropics" of IUFRO, the International Union of Forestry Research Organizations.

Contact Address:

FAO (FOPH). Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome. Tel: +39 (6) 57974068, Fax: +39 (6) 57975137.

To make the Bulletin relevant and functional, readers are invited to send material of interest to Mr. Heinrich in Rome

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