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The authors are deeply indebted to Mr. I.L. Mason, Animal Breeding Consultant, Animal Health and Production Division, FAO, Rome, for his invaluable advice, generous help, and enthusiastic support during the entire period of the project, from its early planning stage to conclusion. During the survey many persons in the countries visited provided information, access to the flocks, and warm hospitality. The writers greatefully acknowledge their assistance, with special thanks to the following:


Institut Technique de l'Elevage Ovin et Caprin (I.T.O.V.I.C.), Paris: M. L. Gilbert; Agricultural Section, Embassy of the Republic of South Africa, Paris: Dr. J. Boyazoglu; Institut National Agronomique, Paris: Prof. P. Charlet; Scoiété d'Ethnozootechnie, Paris: M. R. Laurans; Centre National de Recherches Zootechniques, Jouy-en-Josas: Dr. J.J. Lauvergne, M. E. Quittet, Paris; Association Régionale d'Elevage et de Dévéloppement Agricole des Vallées des Gaves, Agrelès-Gazost: Mll. C. Locatell, M.J. Pérés, M. Dupont, Castelnau, H. - Pyr.; E.D.E. Chambéry: M. Chinardet, M. Dubonnet; I.T.O.V.I.C., Mende: Mme. Biesan, M. Brugeron; I.T.O.V.I.C., Nice: M.J. Guibert, M. Astier; M. J. Agert, Arrout, Ariège; M. L. Pouyfourcat, La Plaa, H. - Pyr; M. Pi, St. Nazaire, Pyr - Or.; S.I.A.D., Prades: M. J. Pujol.


Department of Livestock Services, Ministry of Agriculture, Athens: Mr. E. Tzoanos, Mr. G. Giosis; Foreign Agricultural Service, American Embassy, Athens: Mr. J. Frink, Agricultural Attaché, Mr. N. Triantaphllidis, Agricultural Counselor; National Statistical Service, Athens: Mr. J. Mixas; Department of Animal Husbandry, Agricultural College of Athens: Prof. A.G. Karantunias, Director; American Farm School, Thessaloniki: Mr. J. Cruickshank, Mr. D. Landsdale; Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki: Prof. N. P. Zervas, Dr. J. Matsoukis, Dr. T. Alifakiotis; School of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki: Prof. N. Catsaounis; Animal Breeding Experimental Station, Serrai: Mr. A. Kaftantzis, Mr. E. Georgiades; Farm Livestock Station, Ioannina: Mr. Tziovas; Institute of Animal Breeding and Nutrition, Yannitsa: Mr. G. T. Gabrilidis, Mr. J. Katanos; National Archaeological Museum, Athens: Mme. E. Raftopoulo; National Archaeological Museum, Thessaloniki: Mr. A. Michalopolous, Mr. T. Felikides; Regional or Departmental Services, Ministry of Agriculture, Drama: Mr. K. Salpistis, Mr. G. Salpistis; Larissa: Dr. T. Alifakiotis, Mr. Savvides; Katerini: Mr. A. Michalopulos, Mr. T. Felikides; Kerkira (Corfu): Mr. A. Kassiouras, Mr. C. Coulis, Mr. A. Tassiopoulos, Mr. St. Kouris (Levkimmi); Kozani: Mr. J. Economou, Mr. D. Mitsalas; Kriti, Aghias Nikolaos: Mr. S. Ninos, Mr. G. Kavusamos, Mr. G. Rodanakis (in Sitia); Kriti, Chania: Mr. A. Maniatiakis, Mr. G. Manolakis, Mr. G. Polis, Mr. S. Karcanis; Kriti, Iraklion: Mr. T. Efthimiadis, Mr. S. Piperakis, Mr. E. Kozyrokis; Navplion: Mr. G. Saris, Mr. A. Tigas; Polygiros (Chalkidiki): Mr. Chadjidhimiriou, Mr. A. Christodoulou, Mr. M. Stoyiannis; Serrai: Ms. Gavrillidoy, Mr. A. Kaftantzis, Mr. E. Georgiades; Volos: Mr. D. Katsiokojiannis, Mr. N. Angiropoulos, Ms. El Arvanitou, Mr. G. Polyzos (Glossa, Skopelos); Mr. N. Stamation (Klima, Skopelos); Zakinthos: Mr. A. Topaloudis, Ms. M. Agrapidaki, Mr. D. Agapitos (kalamaki).


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome: Dr. J. Rendel, Chief, Livestock Research and Education Service, Animal Production and Health Division, Mr. I.L. Mason, Livestock Research and Education Service, Dr. A. Demirüren, Meat and Milk Development Service, Dr. C. Schneider, Chief, Documentary Information Service; Servizi Zootecnici del Ministero dell'Agricoltura e delle Foreste, Rome: Prof. E. Battaglini, Director; Office of the Agricultural Attaché, American Embassy, Rome: Mr. L. Menna; Associazione Nazionale della Pastorizia, Rome: Sig. G. Onori; Facoltà di Agraria, University of Rome: Prof. G. Maoli; Istituto di Zootecnia Generale, Milan: Prof. G. Succi; Istituto Sperimentale Zootecnico, Rome: Prof. A. Pilla; Stazione Sperimentale Zootecnica, Rome: Prof. Marossini; Istituto Sperimentale Zootecnico, Sezione di Foggia-Segezia: Dott. A. Pelosi, Dott. F. di Taranto; Osservatorio di Genetica Animale, Torino: Prof. P. Dassat; Assessorato Agricoltura e Foreste: Dott. R. Cantatore, Aosta, Dott. G. Franco, Aosta, Sig. D. Gerbore, Aosta, Dott. S. Belli, Belluno, Feltre, Dott. F. Marcer, Belluno, Dott. C. Matz, Belluno, Sig. A. Fessera, Belluno, Sig. M. DaRold, Belluno, Sig. H. Ausserhofer, Bolzano, Dott. Valentin, Bolzano, Sig. Massimino, Cuneo, Dott. C. Rossi, Cuneo, Sig. Testi, Cuneo, Dott. C. Bossi, Udine, Dott. G. Castiglioni, Varese, Sig. R. Azzolini, Vicenza, Asiago, Sig. U. Claut, Vicenza.


Estaçao Zootecnia National, Fonte Boa: Dr. Joaquim da Silva Portugal, Dr. Cabral Calheros; Servicio de Melhoramente Animal, Lisbon: Dr. G. Pereira, Dr. R. Pereira, Sr. M. Pereira; Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Lisbon: Sr. Beja Neves; Foreign Agricultural Service, American Embassy, Lisbon: Mr. C.A. Vierira; Sr. H. Oliveira, Setúbal.


Ministerio de Agricultura, Madrid: Dr. A. Sánchez Belda, Mme. del Pilar Cibrian de Oliva; Asoc. Nacional de Criadores de Raza Ovina Manchega: Sr. J. Antonio Fernández; Sindicato Nacional de Ganadería, Madrid: Sr. F. Martínez Serrano, Sr. J. Lebic Bravo; U.S. Feed Grains Council, Madrid: Sr. José E. Vidal; Delegación Provincial, Ministerio de Agricultura: Dr. J. Maria Laguna, La Nucia, Dr. V. Dualda Pérez, Valencia, Dr. Pardo Checa, Valencia, Dr. C. Andrés Cortés, Castellón de la Plana, Dr. J.L. Cuartero Escobar, Isaba, Zaragoza, Dr. F. Marín Chia, Ansó, Navarra, Mr. T. Coulter, Jávea, Alicante.


Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, Ege University, Bornova, Izmir: Prof. R. Sönmez, Dr. I. Temez, Dr. Ö. Tömek, Mr. M. Kaymaki, Mr. B. Pekerten; Acipayam State Farm: Mr. M.A. Topbaş; Agricultural Experimental Station, Ödemiş: Mr. M. Dogru; Kumkale Animal Breeding Station (Inekhanesi): Dr. H. Oğuz, Mr. S. Yavuz; Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ankara: Prof. E. Deniz, Prof. M. Sandikcioğlu; Zootechnical Research Institute, Ankara: Dr. N. Uludağ.


Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade: Prof. J. Belić; Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo: Prof. D. Maksimović, Dr. I. Marzić (Markovina), Pag., Dr. K. Miho, Dubrovnik, Mme. S. Slajmer, Ljubljana, Dr. A. Zec, Dubrovnik.

The authors acknowledge with thanks the contributions of Ms. M. Pfanschmidt in the preparation of the maps, Ms. J. Andersen for typing the manuscript, and Mr. H.B. Scott and Mrs. F.M. Campbell for technical assistance.

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