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The demersal fish stocks in the northern zone of CECAF are exploited by several countries. Due to lack of data on the major stocks of the area it has not been easy for the group to arrive at accurate estimates. It is therefore not easy to propose meaningful management advice. Bearing in mind the uncertainties affecting the data used for the evaluations, the group wishes to give the following advice:

1. The present fishing effort in the Cape Verde Division should be maintained at the present level. The present fishing effort, however, should be redistributed.

2. The nature of the fisheries (migratory-multispecies-multinational stocks) would not facilitate the implementation of mesh size regulations. It is expected that different mesh sizes could be used for different fishing zones depending on the major species in the catches. In most cases compromise mesh sizes will have to be used to obtain the best local economic yield. This requires selectivity and biological data on mortality and growth for the main species. Data on mortality are unfortunately not available for several species. The general feeling is that meshes actually used for the soft bottom coastal fauna (Sciaenidae, Polynemidae) are too small. Studies conducted in Senegal show that for the pink shrimp and some fin fish species (Pagellus coupei, Brachydeuterus auritus. Galeoides spp. Dentex macrophthalmus, Syacium micrurum, Pseudotolithus senegalensis and Cynoglossus spp.) use of 35 mm2 (62 mm stretch) meshes will not change the catch rates, but will also allow juvenile fish presently being discarded to escape.

3. Nurseries of the main species which are close inshore should be protected. Such measure should be the responsibility of each coastal state. This can be done by either closing the nursery areas to fishing or introduce mesh regulation. But the group felt that it will not be realistic to introduce closed areas since this will affect other important commercial species. It is therefore expected that the coastal states will strictly control mesh sizes of gear, especially beach seines, using in these nursery grounds.

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