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Appendix 2: Programme

CECAF Ad Hoc Working Group on the assessment of coastal demersal stocks
(southern Mauritania to Liberia)
Centre de recherches océanographiques de Dakar-Thiaroye, Dakar (Sénégal)
14-19 November 1977

Monday, 14 November

- Definition of the Stocks
- Geographical Distribution and Structure of the Stocks
Tuesday, 15 November
- Biology of the Stocks

- Inventory of Biological Data on the Major Species (Length-Weight Relationship, Size at First Maturity, Migration, Mortality, Growth and Recruitment)

Wednesday, 16 November
- Description of the Fisheries (Fishing Grounds, Seasons, Fleets, Catch, Effort, Catch per Unit Effort, Main Species Caught)
Thursday, 17 November
- Assessments
Friday, 18 November
- Present State of Exploitation of the Stocks and Management Advice
Saturday, 19 November
- Adoption of Report

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