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Annex 3
Agenda of the consultation

Consultation on wetland
characterization and classification for
sustainable agricultural development
in East and Southern Africa
(AGL/SAFR - 814)

Holiday Inn, Harare, Zimbabwe, 2 to 6 December 1997


Tuesday, 02 December 1997




Victoria Sekitoleko, FAO Sub-Regional Representative



Opening address by the Horourable Minister of Mines, Environment and Tourism, Government of Zimbabwe

Wednesday, 03 December 1997

0815 - 0915





Parviz Koohafkan, FAO/AGL, Rome

0915 - 0930


Welcome address by the FAO Sub-Regional Representative

0930 - 1000


Objectives of the consultation and adoption of the agenda.
Introduction to technical sessions (Moise Sonou, FAO-RAF, Accra)

1000 - 1030


Coffee breakh


Sustainable Utilization of Inland Valleys for Food Security



R. Chitsiko, AGRITEX

Rapporteur: Tabeth Matiza

1030 - 1230


Presentation of the country papers by the country participants and discussions (30 minutes each): Angola, Burundi, Kenya, Malawi

1230 - 1400


Lunch break

1400 - 1530


Country papers and discussions (continued): Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania

1530 - 1600


Coffee break

1600 - 1730


Country papers and discussions (continued): Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe

1730 - 1800


Summary by chairperson

1900 - 2100


Cocktail at Holiday Inn

Thursday, 04 December 1997


Characterization and Classification of Inland Valleys for Sustainable Use




Rapporteur: Misael Kokwe

0830 - 1000


Presentation of resource papers and discussions (30 minutes each):

  • Use of FAO Agro-ecological zoning method and GIS tools as decision support systems for sustainable management of African wetlands by: Parviz Koohafkan (Land and Water Development Division, FAO)
  • Mapping and Characterizing Inland Valley Agro-ecosystems: the case of West-Africa by: Wim Andriesse (Department of Agricultural Research, Netherlands)
  • Hydrological strategy to develop and manage wetland resources in Eastern and Southern Africa for sustainable agricultural use by: Matthew McCartney (Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, UK)
  • 1000 - 1030


    Coffee break

    1030 - 1200


    Resource papers and discussions (continued)

  • Land use on dambos in Southern Africa and sustainability issues: implications for a classification scheme by: Misael Kokwe (IUCN,Harare)
  • Factors affecting wetland rice production and the classification of wetlands for agricultural development by: Van Nguu Nguyen (Plant Production and Protection Division, FAO)
  • Ramsar wetland classification: Its implication on wetland conservation by: Anada Tiega (Ramsar Convention, Switzerland)
  • 1200 - 1230


    Summary by chairperson

    1230 - 1400


    Lunch break


    Sub-Regional and Regional Networking



    Lamourdia Thiombiano

    Rapporteur: Moise Sonou

    1400 - 1530


    The Inland Valley Consortium approach: EPHTA/IVC(Ecoregional Program for the Humid and Sub-humid Tropics of Sub-Saharan Africa/Inland Valley Consortium)

    1530 - 1600


    Coffee break

    1600 - 1700


    Drafting the Technical Session Reports (for use by the Working Groups) by the Rapporteurs

    Friday, 05 December 1997


    Working Groups and Field Visit

    0830 - 0845


    Introduction to the working groups (Moise Sonou/Parviz Koohafkan)
    Selection of chairpersons, facilitators and rapporteurs for 3 working groups

    0845 - 1130


    Working groups discussions

    Working Groups:

    I-Guidelines for sustainable management of small wetlands

    II-Food security and sustainable dambo development

    III-Technical Cooperation Network/Consortium approach to dambo development and management

    1130 - 1230


    Drafting the working groups' findings, conclusions and recommendations

    1230 - 1400


    Lunch break

    1400 - 1800


    Field Visit to Seke

    Saturday, 06 December 1997


    Discussion and Adoption of Working Group Reports



    Sam Kanyarukiga

    Rapporteur: Andreas Savva

    0830 - 1100


    Plenary presentation and discussion of the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the working groups

    1100 - 1115


    Coffee break

    1115 - 1315


    Drafting the final recommendations of the Consultation

    1315 - 1400


    Presentation and adoption of the recommendations of the Consultation (Andreas Savva, FAO-SAFR, Harare)

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