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After the presentation of every national paper, discussions were held concerning the factors of change (with a strong emphasis on cross-border problems, considering the sub-regional aspect of FOSA) and the identification of strong and weak signals. The difficulties encountered by some countries when starting the FOSA were also discussed. (See recommendations).

Summary of the exercise on the strong tendencies and weak signals for the development

The objective of this exercise was to analyse the tendencies and signals drawn from the presentations of national reports. Since there were a lot of questions relating to the identification of weak signals, a theoretical review was presented by Mr Blanchez, followed by an active discussion deliberating on the different participants' perception of the weak signals. After the analysis of tendencies and signals, some factors such as demography, democracy, community practices, energy supply and problems could be considered within a global approach, whereas other factors, such a technological development, private sector, migrations seem to have a more localised impact. During the discussion, the non-mentioned factors of changes, such as research / forest sector development, water management, communication, the reinforcement of capacities, and the gender approach (Annex 3) were also evoked.

Outlook exercise for a hypothetical country the NIBEGALISO - Annex 4

Under Mr Blanchez's supervision, the exercise consisted in defining two priority activities to be undertaken now, while considering the present situation in 2000, faced with three scenarios of the country in 2020: a pessimistic one, an optimistic one and the third one, more complicated since it integrates some favourable factors and less favourable ones to the forest at the same time.

The objective of the exercise is to reflect, together in the team, over a situation to be prepared for. It should be an anticipated change and we should have the means to react to achieve the desired change.

Field trip

The participants went to Niayes Region to visit the filao plantations, within the framework of the support project to the entrepreneurial farming (PAEP). It is a participative project that aims at increasing the effectiveness of the vegetable and forestry businesstrade. Faced with the survival of the filao in the area, the PAEP elaborated a strategy that is mainly based upon long-term forestry management. After a first two years' pilot phase PAEP supports the organisation, stimulates the local populations' awareness-raising and try to improve the repeated exploitation-regeneration of the forest.

Continuation of the FOSA activities

During the last working session, the main activities to be carried out within the FOSA process for the coming months, relating to the sub-region, were presented and discussed. These activities are the following:

The function and the objectives of the External Advisor Group (EAG) were presented. The members of this group, invited to attend the workshop (Mr Fosuaba Banahane, Ms Agnès Odéjide, Ms Madeleine Cisse) presented the results of the first group meeting, which was held in Accra in October.

The recommendations of the FOSA workshop in Thiès

At the completion of the Thiès workshop, the following recommendations were brought forward by the participants:


¬ The importance of forestry resources for the social, economic and environmental development of the countries;

¬ The technical, institutional and socio-economic problems of the forestry sector;

¬ The direct or indirect consequences of forestry resource degradations on the life of the West African populations;

¬ The advantage to dispose of a forestry sector outlook to direct on a solid ground the sector development to the year 2020, and to put at the disposal of the concerned countries a tool that can help them in planning and implementing forest policies for their respective countries;

¬ The strong motivation shown by the FOSA Focal Point when preparing the country outlook papers, and motivation shown also during the workshop sessions; and

¬ The difficulties encountered to collect information and establish multidisciplinary working groups for the elaboration of country outlook papers,;

The participants recommend:

At the level of focal point coordinations / national institutions

At the level of the sub-regional consultant:

At the level of FAO:

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