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Annex 1. Introduction note of the FAO Representative in Senegal

Dear Representatives, Delegates of FOSA Country Focal Points.

It is my pleasure to greet you on behalf of Mr Hosny El Lakany, Assistant Director General of the FAO Forest Department and on behalf of the Regional Representative for Africa, Mr Dada, based in Accra. Both consider the FOSA initiative - Forestry Study outlook for Africa - and this workshop in Senegal, as very important. This initiative represents a second important step of action put in place by FAO and several of its partners, such as the African Development Bank and the European Commission, to help the African countries in their long-term development planning of the forestry sector and more particularly in the sub-region of West Africa.

Perspective studies, or « outlook » studies are, are the responsibilities of FAO towards its member countries. These responsibilities are, among others, to provide the member countries with short and medium-term planning on agricultural production and on the expected results of food production to ensure food security for the world population.

The FOSA study enters in that objective. Yet, this FOSA study is not exactly like the others, because it is prospective, that is to say, it is more global and more adapted to respond to complex problems of the present economic and social development. It is very important for all our countries of the sub-region, because everybody knows the crucial role played by the forest and forestry for our populations' food supply. The World Food Day, which was celebrated on October 16th, reminds us of that importance for the great majority of the world population because for them it means a lot to have food availability in sufficient supplies.

Another feature of this FOSA is its strategy, which is really very close to reality. Actually, the members of the African Forestry and Wildlife Commission asked FAO to coordinate this study, so that the countries themselves can be more strongly involved in the process of the study. FOSA cannot only be the work of some external specialists, but should be and will be the result of a national and sub-national analysis, undertaken by all stakeholders in the forestry sector. The FOSA Focal Points - you - are appointed in every country to coordinate these activities.

Most of you have already participated in the first FOSA planning meeting for West Africa, held at Yamoussoukro in Ivory Coast last December. After twelve months' work, this second meeting, which is called "the Thiès workshop" will offer an opportunity to clarify all the details on the FOSA study. Actually, I heard you have created some working groups in your respective countries, that you had thorough reflections about the future of the forestry sector within the national development discussions, that you have courageously written this national outlook document and that you had started, in your respective countries, a process of long-term planning in a participating way. By choosing this way, you contribute directly to improve the forestry sector management with a modern democratic approach.

The FOSA Team and also the representatives of FAO from the countries of the sub-region, have regularly followed your work this year and we have tried to support you through contacts, technical notes or messages. That's why I am willing to talk on behalf of everybody to congratulate you for what you have achieved up till now.

Today, you are going to exchange your experiences and receive new technical information on the science "prospective" for the forestry sector development. It is a good opportunity for everyone to reinforce the links between one another, and if possible, to start a network to exchange information and experiences on the Forestry Outlook Study at the sub-regional level. This network is important to permanently be in contact with each other and to ensure the follow-up and monitoring of the activities at the sub-regional level.

The four days of this workshop, including a field trip, will be too short to allowed us to cover in detail all those subjects. Consequently, I am not going to take more of your time but let me congratulate you once again for the work done up till now and I wish you a good continuation and success for the work to be undertaken at this Thiès workshop in Senegal.


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