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Appendix 1: Agenda


Planning Meeting for Southern Africa

31 March - 1 April 2000

Venue: Lusaka International Conference Centre, Lusaka, Zambia

¬ The FOSA partners will have developed a shared vision on FOSA;

¬ The key issues facing the forestry sector in Southern Africa sub-region to be covered by FOSA will have been identified;

¬ The nature and scope of the thematic studies and their linkage with the country studies as also the sub-regional outlook reports will have been discussed;

¬ The scope and coverage of the country papers and the sub-regional outlook report will have been defined and clearly understood;

¬ A realistic plan for implementation of FOSA and all the operational issues will have been discussed and clarified;

¬ Means to enhance the role of sub-regional organisations in the implementation of FOSA will have been identified.

Friday, 31 March 2000

¬ Opening Session (08.30 -09.30)

_ Welcome address: Dr. J.H. Masinja, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Zambia

_ Introductory remarks: Mr. Frank Kufakwandi, Senior Forestry Officer, African Development Bank

_ Introduction to FOSA: Mr. Hosny El-Lakany, Assistant Director General, Forestry Department, FAO

_ Nomination of the chairpersons and rapporteur

_ Introduction of the participants

¬ Session 1 - Introduction to FOSA (09.30 -10.30) (Chair: Ms. Anna Chileshe, Zambia)

_ Presentation of FOSA proposal (Ms. Susan Braatz, FAO HQ, Rome)

_ Definition of outputs from the planning meeting (Mr. Peter Lowe, RAF, FAO)

_ Comments and discussion by participants

¬ Coffee break (10.30 - 11.00)

¬ Session 2 - Sub-regional issues (11.00 -12.30) (Chair: Ms. Anna Chileshe, Zambia)

_ Forestry issues in Southern Africa (Mr. Kenneth Nyasulu, SADC Forestry Sector Technical Coordination Unit)

_ Discussion

¬ Lunch break (12.30 - 13.30)

¬ Session 2 - Sub-regional issues, cont. (13.30 - 15.00)

_ Discussion of current trends in the forestry sector, forces of change, and future directions for forestry in the countries of the sub-region

¬ Coffee break (15.00 - 15.30)

¬ Session 3 - FOSA Thematic Studies (15.30 - 17.30) (Chair: Ms. Anna Chileshe, Zambia)

_ Presentation of preliminary list of thematic studies and their relevance to FOSA

(Mr. Peter Lowe)

_ Discussion/recommendations on the thematic studies

Saturday, 1 April 2000

¬ Session 4 - Country papers (08.30 - 10.00) (Chair: Mr. Kenneth Nyasulu, SADC/Malawi)

_ Introduction to the contents and preparation of the country outlook papers (Ms. Susan Braatz)

_ Discussion

¬ Coffee break (10.00 - 10.30)

¬ Session 5 - Co-ordination and sources of expertise (10.30 - 12:30) (Chair: Mr. Kenneth Nyasulu, SADC/Malawi)

_ Review and discussion of Terms of Reference of the FOSA National Focal Points (Mr. Peter Lowe)

_ Co-ordination at the national and sub-regional levels

_ Expert Advisory Group (Mr. Peter Lowe)

_ Role of sub-regional organizations and other potential partners (Mr. Peter Lowe,

Mr. Kenneth Nyasulu)

¬ Lunch break (12.30 - 14.00)

¬ Concluding Session (14.00 - 15.00)(Chair: Mr. Kenneth Nyasulu, SADC/Malawi)

_ Presentations of the conclusions and recommendations of the workshop (Dr. Harrison Kojwang, Namibia, rapporteur)

_ Issues for immediate follow up (Ms. Susan Braatz)

_ Remarks by participants

_ Vote of thanks (Mr. Kenneth Nyasulu, Mr. Frank Kufakwandi, Mr. Peter Lowe, Mr. J.H. Masinja)

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