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Mutare, Zimbabwe



· Welcome address by the Zimbabwean Chairman (Mr. Crispen Marunda);

· Welcome remarks by Mr. Phillip Kariwo, General Manager, PC;

· Welcome remarks by Ms. Monzi, Italian Embassy;

· Photo session (Mr. Sibanda);

· Welcome and introductory address by Co-Chairman (Mr. J. Ball): Objectives and functions of socio-economic and forestry statistical information; Role and activities of FAO Forestry Department; and Objectives of the project and workshop;

· Review of workshop documents (Mr. Peter Lowe);

· African Forestry and Wildlife Commission Initiative on Forestry Statistics Development (Mr. Charles Omoluabi);

Welcome Lunch


· Presentation by FSTCU Representative - SADC Region overview - Mr. Sam Karnya;

· The Forestry Situation in Africa by FAO Forestry Officer (Regional Office for Africa);

· Presentation of FAO's Forest Resources Assessment (FRA 2000) (Mr. Jim Ball);

· Reports of participants on the status of forestry statistics in their countries and its use in forest policy and planning;

· presentation - Angola;

· presentation - Botswana;

· Visit of FITC sawmill;

· Evening: Introduction of all participants and welcome party.



· Continuation of previous session: Reports of participants on the status of forestry statistics in their countries and their use in policy and planning;

· Country presentation for Lesotho;

· Country presentation for Malawi;

· Country presentation for Mozambique;

· Country presentation for South Africa;

· Country presentation for Swaziland;

· Country presentation for Zambia;

· Country presentation for Zimbabwe ;

· General discussion on trends in Southern Africa;


· Formation of groups for parallel sessions, terms of reference for the groups, election of Chair persons and rapporteurs;

· Parallel sessions on forest products and forest resources (for details see ANNEX).


· Voluntary Session on NWFPs and TOFs.


Morning and afternoon: Continue parallel sessions.

Afternoon: Conclude parallel sessions, including preparation of parallel session reports.

Evening: Presentation of Parallel Sessions Report in plenary.


Morning: 1. Plenary session to discuss out-come of parallel sessions;

Afternoon: Field visit (Field visit to John Meikles Forest Research Station Tree);

Evening: Discussion of Pilot Studies - Zimbabwe Delegates.



- Afternoon: Farewell toast and lunch; and

Items for Review in Parallel Sessions

    Forest Resources

    Forest Resources Information

    · Methodology (definitions, model, etc.)

    · Means of dissemination

    Needed Forest Resource Information

    · Forest area: Type, disturbance, species group, availability for wood supply, ownership and management, eco-floristic zone, protection status, change

· Forest Plantations: Area, species, ownership, function, etc.

· Volume and biomass: Biomass, growing stock, commercial volume, increment, losses, fellings and removals, change

    · Forest health, forest fires

    · Non-wood forest products

    · Trees outside forests

    Needed Model data

    · Sub-national units, Population data

    Classification systems

    · Local, FAO

    Review of local data availability

    · Country by country

    Review of constraints

Forest Products

Informal Sector

· Statistics on Fuelwood

· Statistics on non-wood forest products

· Survey methods

· Working Group

Formal Sector

· Production and trade statistics of industrial roundwood, sawnwood, wood residues, panels, pulp and paper

· Yearbook of Forest Products

· Capacity & price statistics, conversion factor

· Working Group

Forestry Statistics and IT today

· Data structure, classification and definition

· Collection, processing and dissemination of forestry statistics

· Demonstration: National and international. exchange of forestry statistics and the role of national focal points

· Working Group

Country by Country data review

· Hands on use of FAO electronic questionnaires

· Historical country data review

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