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The SADC Forestry Sector Technical Coordination Unit (FSTCU) mandate, responsibilities and functions are based on the decision of the Council of Ministers that met in Maseru, Lesotho in 1985.


Monitor sector projects;

Facilitate identification of opportunities;

Coordinate policy, research, and training;

Mobilize resources for approved projects;

Organize technical meetings, workshops, and seminars;

Manage relevant information/data; and

Review Forestry Sector Program of action.


Consultations with member states and Secretariat;

Liase with co-operating partners; and

Provide leadership and technical services for advancement of SADC programme of action.


Organise SADC Sectoral Committees of Ministers & Officials;

Organise sectoral consultative meetings with Cooperating Partners;

Disseminate sectoral meetings outcomes to member states;

Prepare sectoral strategy papers;

Initiate Project Activities;

Assist identification of Project financing;

Mobilise pledges made by Co-operating Partners;

Provide technical back-up on Project funding;

Witness signing of agreements; and

Report on progress of Programme.

SADC-FSTCU Programme:

Forest Training and Education;

Forest Research;

Forest Utilisation and Trade;

Forest Resource Assessment;

Forest Resource Management; and

Forest Industry Development.


Funded projects

Urban Fuelwood Project (AAA.5.3);

SADC Tree Seed Centres Network ( AAA.5.5);

S. African Biodiversity Programme ( AAA.5.6);

Improvement and Strengthening of Forestry Colleges in SADC Region (AAA.5.9);

Centre for Advanced Practical Forestry Training (-Urban fuelwood Project (TAN.5.16); and

Reforestation and erosion control at Nacala (AAA.5.14).

Partially funded projects

Sustainable Management of Indigenous Forests ( AAA.5.20); and

Regional Herbarium and Conservation of Endangered species (AAA.5.20).

Unfunded projects

Regional Vegetation Mapping;

Capacity Building in extension for Community Forestry in the SADC Region (AAA.5.12);

Agroforestry in Arable and Pastoral farming (AAA.5.19);

Formation of SADC Timber Association (AAA.5.22);

Strengthening of forestry and Forest Products Research (AAA.5.23); and

Development of Forestry Information Management Network System in SADC Region (AAA.5.24).

Challenge for FSTCU


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