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Natural Resource Management and Regulatory Department (NRMRD), 1998. Agro-ecological Zones of Ethiopia, Ministry of Agriculture. Addis Ababa.

Forestry, 1997. Tekeze River Basin Integrated Development Master Plan Project. Ministry of Water Resources, Volume NR7, Addis Ababa.

Gebre Medhin, 1997. Boswellia papyrifera From Western Tigray Opportunities, Constraints and Seed Germination Response, MSc thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Sue Edwards, Mesfin Taddesse and Inga Hedberg (eds.), 1995. Flora of Ethiopia. Volume II. Addis Ababa.

Reinhard Fichtl and Admassu Adi, 1994. Honeybee Flora of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa.

Jensen, P.C.M, 1981. Species Condiments and Medicinal Plants in Ethiopia, their Taxonomy and Agricultural significance.

Amare Getahun, 1976. Some Common Medicinal and Poisonous Plants used in Ethiopian Folk Medicine.

Desalegn Dessisa, 1997. Economic Value of Medicinal Plants in Ethiopia, A Case study. Paper Prepared for the National Workshop on Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use of Medicinal Plants In Ethiopia. April 26-May 1, 1998, Addis Ababa.

Biodiversity Institute (BDI), 1998. Draft Proceedings of the National Workshop on Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use of Medicinal Plants In Ethiopia. April 26-May 1, 1998, Addis Ababa.

Natural Gum Production and Marketing Enterprise (NGPME), 1997. Annual Enterprise Statistics, Addis Ababa.

Guna Trading House PLC, 1997. Company Statistics.

Sihul Project Company, 1997. Company Statistics.

Ministry of Trade and Industry, Annual External Trade Statistics, 1984-1993.

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