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1. Bieger N: Beekeeping and community forest management 1998

2. Dunsmore J.R The Agricultural development of The Gambia: an agricultural, environmental and socio-economic analysis ministry of overseas development 1976 land Resources study.

3. Edrisa: Classical Gambian recipes Banjul: Government Printer.

4. Ellenberg H et al: Pirang: Ecological Investigations in Forest Island in The Gambia, 1988

5. Goetz E: Timber of The Gambia, Hamburg, Stiftung Walder haltung in Afrika. 1983

6. Hallam G.M: A report on the different preparation of various plants found in The Gambia for bush medicine practices and other uses, Department of Forestry Yundum, July 1979

7. Hutchinson J & J.M Dalziel: Flora of West Tropical Africa, second edition 1963 - 1973

8. Jarvis, A: A checklist of Gambian plants, Royal Botanical Gardens KW 1980

9. Kasper, P Some common flora of The Gambia 1993

10. Lusack, F C & Bojang,F: Honey and Bees Wax production in The Gambia 1994

11. Manneh A et al: Beekeepers survey report 1997

12. Szolmoki, T.W: Food and fruit Tree of The Gambia 1985

13. Tattersall .L: The lesser - known food plants of The Gambia - A study, Horticulture section Department of Agriculture, Yundum Agricultural station, The Gambia 1978

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