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From all the NWFP reported as being valuable for food, six were classified as being important for trade in three Provinces covered by a survey conducted by Chishimba in 1996. The trading levels differed from community to community depending on the ethnic background and the product. The level or trade was determined by availability of the product, distance from the market and accessibility to a reliable means of transport. Estimates of qualities sold from Kunda Mfumu (Luapula Province) a village on a high way, was as high as 193.6kg for Rhynchosia spp. 155.6kg for Satyria Siva, with a corresponding monetary value of US$102 and US$115 respectively (Chishimba, 1996). On the whole the main products that are traded in include Uapaca Kirkiana fruit, Anisophyllea Pomifera fruits, mushrooms, roots of Rhynchosia species and tubers of Satyria Siva. Parinan Curatellifolia fruit does not command much trade even though it is such an important food security product. However, there are isolated cases where you find people selling the fruit along some roads.

Mushrooms, particularly the Chanterelles are the only vegetal NWFP offered for sale on the international market. The other vegetal NWFP are mostly sold at the community and district markets. There is very little inter-provincial trade in vegetal NWFP. Imports between Provinces were only recorded in mushrooms, Rhynchosia species and Satyria siva, but all at a small scale. These commodities are mainly moved from rural to urban Provinces along the line of rail where they fetch a good market price (Chishimba, 1996).

The trade in products such as Satyria Siva and Rhynchosia roots can be very lucrative. On the

Copperbelt, about 150-200g of Satyria siva can fetch as much as US $0.1 (Chishimba, 1996). In Luapula Province, 300g of Satyria siva can cost US $0.22. A small bundle of Rhynchosia roots weighing 200g, costs US $0.1 on the Copperbelt.

Trade in honey is the most advanced together with mushrooms sold by Amanita Zambiana and the Miombo Project. According to Chishimba (1996), and Chidumayo/Marjokorpi (1997), honey and mushrooms fetch millions of US Dollars on both the national and international markets. At the moment the Mpongwe Beekeeping Project and the Kabompo Bee Products Company of North Western Province are exporting honey and beeswax. Actual Production and total earnings could not be accessed.

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