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6. Evaluation of the data collected and the methodology used

As mentioned above, data concerning wood products are collected from reports and compiled at the Division of Forestry and Wildlife of the Ministry of Agriculture. This type of data is mainly for those forest products that are produced within the country. This is validated by comparing with the royalty fees collected, permits granted to concessionaires, as well as from expert judgement through monitoring in the field.

Regarding the forest products, which are imported from abroad, data are collected from the customs office. This is registered in terms of forest product type and corresponding value, Nakfa, the currency of Eritrea. The weaknesses in this data collection are, the customs office doesn’t record the amount either by weight or by volume, and thus it is difficult to convert it accurately into m3 or ton. However, the imported value of wood products is validated by comparing the letter of credit (LC), which the importer opened in the National Bank of Eritrea while importing the wood products.

Division of Forestry and Wildlife compiles annual reports, after collecting all regional reports obtained from the customs office.

Table 13: Strength and Weaknesses Matrix




Sub-Regional level (MOA)

. Forest guards at every check

points are available

. Permits are granted and


. Data are collected daily

. Reports are forwarded every


. No measurement at check point

. Locally consumed wood products

are not well recorded & controlled

. No computer facilities for data


Regional Level


. Reports are compiled and

forwarded to head quarter

. Cutting & collecting permits

are granted and well


. Royalty fee collected and

well recorded

. No systematic record of data

. Lack of skilled manpower &

computer facilities

National Level


. Computer facilities are

relatively better

. Compiled annual reports


. Shortage of manpower

. Lack of systematic data collection

and validation

Customs Office


. Imported wood products are

recorded at port of entry

. Imported wood products are not

recorded in terms of quantity (m3)

Department of


. Biomass study survey is

conducted systematically at

national level

. Biomass survey is not regularly



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