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Abbreviations and acronyms

AFWC African Forest and Wildlife Commission

ATO African Timber Organisation

CBD Convention of Biodiversity

CCD Convention on Combat against Desertification

CITES International Convention on Trade of Endangered Species

C&I Criteria and Indicators

CFB Benguela Railway Company

CFL Luanda Railway Company

CTB Current Transactions Balance

DNACO National Directorate of Conservation

DNAF National Directorate of Agriculture and Forests

EC European Commission

FAD Arab Fund of Development

FAO United Nation for Food and Agriculture

FOSA Forestry Outlook Study for Africa

GDP Gross Domestic Product

IIA Institute of Agronomy Research

IDF Institute for Forestry Development

IFF Intergovernmental Forum on Forests

INE National Institute of Statistics

ITTO International Trade and Timber Organisation

IPF Intergovernmental Panel on Forests

IUCN International Union for Natural Conservation

Kz Angola Unit Currency

MINADER Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

NGOs Non-Government Organisations

PRE Economics Rehabilitation Programme

SADC Southern African Development Community

SGE Sociedade de Gestão Empresarial, Limitada

UNEP United Nation for Environment Programme

US$ United State Dollar

WFP World Food Programme








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