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AFAO = Administrative and Financial Affairs Office

ANEB = Nigerien Association of Wood Harvesters

(l’Association Niger des Exploitants de Bois)

DE = Department for the Environment

DES = District Environmental Services

DF = Development Funds

DIA = Division of Inspections and Accounts

DWFA = Department for Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture

ECOWAS = Economic Community of West African States

FCFA = Central African Franc

GDP = Gross Domestic Product

GNP = Gross National Product

ICP = Industrial and Commercial Profit tax

IMT = Inclusive Minimum Tax

ITP = Inclusive Tax on Profits

LMS = Local Management Structures

MF = Management Funds

NFE = National Fund for the Environment

NGO = Non-Governmental Organisations

NPCD = National Plan to Combat Desertification

NRA = non-reimbursable aid

NWFPs = non-wood forest products

RCT = Regional Co-operation Tax

SED = Domestic Energy Strategy (Stratégie Energie Domestique)

SIPE = System of Information and Permanent Evaluation

TBPN = Territorial Brigade for the Protection of Nature

TCGCC = Tax on Certain General Company Costs

TT = Training Tax

UNDP = United Nations Development Program

US$ = United States Dollar

VAT = Value Added Tax





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