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Collecting credible representative data in any country in transition between markedly different socio-political-economic systems can be a difficult task. Major problems encountered during this consultancy, for instance, included:

total data voids for many parameters

absence of useful time series data

data aggregation levels inappropriate to project needs

unknown population size or sampling intensity for several statistics, thereby leaving indeterminate their actual representativeness

preserving confidentiality where only one or two operators are active.

To overcome these difficulties, this consultancy benefited greatly from the assistance of a number of individuals without which its observations would necessarily have been significantly further curtailed.

Specific guidance was, indeed, necessary to fill pronounced voids in data, and to avoid misrepresenting, overstating or understating certain statistics. The individuals we came to rely upon ensured that, where appropriate, qualifications were attached to avoid these traps and to more accurately characterise data worthiness.

As much as possible the most current available data was used to prepare this report – including several bulletins of the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia. These follow NACE, HS, ESA and SNA, and BEC conventions in respect of producing standardised reports on national statistics – and in this respect are on a calibre with, for example, reports produced by EU members.

Specifically, we would like to thank Ms. Iya Budreko for her assistance in preparing an approximation of the current raw material supply flows within the Latvian forest sector. This had not been previously attempted and would not otherwise have been elsewhere available. Dr. Olegs Baranovs, of the Ministry of Economy, Macroeconomic Analysis and Prognoses Department, deserves our thanks, which we now extend, for providing a valuable concurrent review of this report. Within the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia, the project was assisted by Ms. Ilze Skujeniece and Mr. Janis Kalnins, who provided clarification on a number of issues related to statistics gathering and compilation.

A special thanks is extended to Mr. Andrejs Domkins, President – Latvian Association of Wood processing Entrepreneurs and Exporters – for his participation in a seminar conducted for private sector participants during the course of the first mission of this consultancy. This consultancy is also appreciative of, Mr. Janis Kirsis, Chairman, The Latvian Timber Exporters Association, and Mr. Andrejs Cunskis, President, Latvian Timber Harvesting Association for agreeing to provide their insights on a number of issues affecting their membership, in particular, and the forest sector, in general.

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