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ADCP (Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme), State of aquaculture, 1981 1982. In Aid for aquaculture development in the third world, report of the FAO/NORAD Round Table on Aid for Aquaculture Development in the Third World, Svanoy, Norway, 2–6 August 1982, Rome. FAO/UNDP, Norwegian Agency for International Development (NORAD), ADCP/REP/82/17:13–22

Anderson, T.W., 1971 The statistical analysis of time series. New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 704 p.

Bell, F.W. and E.R. Canterbury, 1976 Aquaculture for the developing countries: a feasibility study. Cambridge, Mass., Ballinger Publishing Co., 266 p.

Christy, F.T. Jr., 1973 Alternative arrangements for marine fisheries: an overview. Washington, D.C., Resources for the Future Inc., Program of International Studies of Fishery Arrangements, Paper no.1: 91 p.

FAO, 1980 Food balance sheets 1975–77 average, and per caput food supplies 1961–65 average 1967–1977. Rome, FAO, 1012 p.

FAO, 1981 Yearbook of fishery statistics. Annuaire des statistiques des Pêches. Anuario estadistica de pesca, 1980. Catches and landings. Captures et quantités debarquées. Capturas y desembarques. Yearb.Fish.Stat./Annu.Stat.Pêches/Anu.Estad.Pesca, (50): 386 p.

FAO, 1981a Yearbook of fishery statistics. Annuaire des statistiques des Pêches. Anuario estadistica de pesca, 1980. Fishery commodities. Produits des pêches. Productos pesqueros. Yearb.Fish.Stat./Annu.Stat.Pêches/Anu.Estad.Pesca, (51):178 p.

FAO, 1981b Production yearbook 1980. FAO Stat.Ser., (34):196 p.

Grover, J.H., D.R. Street and P.D. Starr, 1981 Review of aquaculture development activities in Central and West Africa. Res.Dev.Ser.Int.Cent.Aquacult.Univ.Ala., (28):29 p.

Harman, H., 1967 Modern factor analysis. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 474 p., 2nd ed.

Joint Sub-committee on Aquaculture of the President's Federal Coordinating Council on Science, 1980 Engineering and Technology, National aquaculture plan. Draft. Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 532 p.

Josupeit, H., 1981 The economic and social effects of the fishing industry: a comparative study. FAO Fish.Circ., (314)Rev.1:36 p.

Lam, T.J., 1982 Fish culture in Southeast Asia. Can.J.Fish.Aquat.Sci., 39(1):138–42

Marriott, F.H.C., 1974 The interpretation of multiple observations. New York, Academic Press, 117 p.

Pedini, M., 1982 L'aquacoltura nel sistema alimentare mondiale. In Agricoltura ricerca. Parte 1. Acquacoltura; situazione attuale e prospettive in Italia. Istituto di Tecnica e Propaganda Agraria, Roma. Roma, Laboratorio Centrale di Idrobiologia, pp. 132–45

Pedini, M., 1982 L'acuicultura en 1980; niveles de produccion y tendencias para un futuro. In Proceedings of the II Jornadas de acuicultura. Madrid, Fundacion Conde del Valle de Salazar, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Montes, 16 p.

Pillay, T.V.R., 1977 Planning of aquaculture development - an introductory guide. Farnham, Surrey, Fishing News Books Ltd., for FAO, 71 p.

Pillay, T.V.R., 1979 The state of aquaculture in 1976. In Advances in aquaculture, papers presented at the FAO Technical Conference on Aquaculture, Kyoto, Japan, 26 May-2 June 1976, edited by T.V.R. Pillay and Wm.A. Dill. Farnham, Surrey, Fishing News Books Ltd., pp. 1–10

Pollnac, R.B., 1982 Sociocultural aspects of implementing aquaculture systems in marine fishing communities. In Aquaculture development in less developed countries: social, economic, and political problems, edited by L.J. Smith and S. Peterson. Boulder, Colorado, Westview Press, Westview Special Studies in Agriculture/Aquaculture Science and Policy, pp. 31–52

Zhu De-Shan, 1980 A brief introduction to the fisheries of China. FAO Fish.Circ., (726):31 p.

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