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Item No.Food and DescriptionFrench NameComposition in Terms of 100 Grams Edible Portion
Food EnergyMoistureProteinFatCarbohydrate, total (incl. fiber)FiberAshCalciumPhosphorusIronRetionalB-carotene EquivalentThiamineRiboflavinNiacinTryptophanAscorbic acidRefuse in as purchased
494.Pods, rawarbrea ā                  
 Meale. See Grain Legumes.fauve                  
495.African mahogany bean;Afzelia                  
 Rhodesian mahogany                   
 (Afzelia african), leaves                   
496.Aisen, sp. (Boscia salicifo- lia), leaves, rawAisen, sp. 6282.03.11.611.43.71.9200133.2         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)        
 Akee (Blighia sapida):Ris de veau;                  
497.Aril.finsan19669. 555.13.141.4 26 
    (4)(4)(4) (4)(4)(3)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1) (2) 
    60.3–85.11.8–8.310.9–30.5 .8–4.0.4–1.522–56        2–50 
498.Raphe 6479. 3.5  .15.091.7   
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1) (1)  (1)(1)(1)   
499.Albizia, spp. (Albizia spp.), leaves, rawAlbizia6280.         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
500.Alfalfa; lucerne (Medicago sativa), tender leavesLuzerne                  
501.Alternanthera, sp. (Alter- nanthera maritima),Alternan- thera                  
 leaves, raw 5578.55.0.910.02.25.614235         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
502.Alternanthera, sp. (Alternanthera sessilis), leaves, rawAlternanthera6080.24.7.811.82.12.514645         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
 Amaranth; Chinese spinach; spiny pigweed (Amaranthus spp.), leaves:Amaranthe                  
503.Raw 4284. 5,716.05.421.2 6424
    (39)(39)(36) (35)(37)(35)(35)(17) (17)(11)(11)(10) (17)(3)
    78.4–91.33.2–6.0tr.–.6 .4–6.42.3–4.069–83354–230.6–10.2 -.-.05–.06.36–.44-.- 52–20016–28
504.Cooked 4384.        
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)        
505.Aneilema, sp. (Aneilema pedunculosum), rawAneilema2491.         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
506.Artichoke, globle or FrenchArtichaut                  
 (Cynara scolymus), hearts, raw 4285.        
    (2)(2)(2) (2)(1)(2)(2)(1)        
    85.6–86.22.7–4.2.1–.2 .7–.9 40–8957–101         
 Arum lilly. See Taro.                   
507.Asparagus, garden(Aspara- gus officinalis), rawAsperge1893.        
    (4)(4)(4) (4)(4)(4)(4)(4)        
    ------ ----------        
 Asparagus bean. See Bean, Yardlong.                   
508.Asystasia, sp. (Asystasia gangetica), leaves, raw.                   
509.Atil (Maerua crassifolia)Maerua; atil (Maur.)                  
510.Awusa; conophor(Tetra- carpidium conophorum),Conophor                  
 young shoots, leaves                   
511.Balsamapple; canilla (Mo mordica balsamina), fruitMomordica                  
 Balsampear; African cucumber (Momordica charantia):Momordica                  
512.Fruit, raw 2592.  .02.07  277 ? 
    (2)(2)(2) (2)(2)(2)(2)(2)  (1)(1)  (1) 
    91.4–93.41.1–1.2- .1–1.8.2–.79–17.30–34.1–.4        
513.Leaves,raw 6080.15.1.412.3.52.12646667.1  .05.47  247? 
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)  (1)(1)  (1) 
514.Balsam-spuge (Euphorbia balsamifer), young shootsEuphorbe du Cayor                  
515.Bambara-groundnut; Congo goober; earth-per; kaffir pea; groundbean; jugo bean(Voandzeia subter- ranea), seeds, rawHaricot- pistache; voandzou; pois de terre; pois15257.        46
  souterrain (3)(3)(3) (1)(3)(1)(2)(2)       (1)
    55.5–58.55.8–10.22.9–3.4  1.5–2.2 146–3701.0–1.4        
516.Bamboo shoots (Bambusa spp.)Pousses de bambou                  
 Bananas, all kinds. See Starchy Fruits.                   
 Baobab; monkey-breadBaobab                  
 (Adansonia digitata):                   
517.Leaves, raw 6977.03.8.316.12.82.840265       52 
    (9)(9)(9) (6)(9)(9)(7)       (7) 
    76.2–81.12.3–5.4tr.–.9 2.4–5.2180–572         38–106 
518.Leaves, dried 28211.812.,24127524.0 9,710.13.82.44 tr. 
    (35)(35)(34) (29)(35)(35)(33)(29) (10)(4)(4)(4) (4) 
    8.9–17.87.7–13.11.8–5.3 9.1–11.37.5–14.11,160–190–4003.0–27.0 -------- -- 
520.Barleria, sp. (Barleria opaca), leaves,rawBarleria5581.03.6.511.72.73.287438         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
521.Basil, sweet (Ocimum basilicum), leaves, rawBasilic7577.15.51.413.9 2.1487 5.2      37 
    (3)(3)(3)  (3)(3) (3)      (3) 
    76.9–77.25.4–5.61.3–1.5  2.0–2.1485–490 5.0–5.4      37–38 
522.Basil,sp. (Ocimum sp.) leaves, raw(Cameroon).Basilic3888. 1.7.630 ?        52 
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)(1)        (1) 
 Bauhinia, spp. (Bauhinia reticulata; piliostigma reticulatum):Bauhinia                  
523.Leaves, raw6478.        68 
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)       (1) 
525.Beans, all species (Phase- olus spp.), leavesHaricot                  
 Beans, broad (Vicia faba):Fève                  
526.Immature seeds 7576.37.1.415.33.2.938127   .10.22  140 
    (2)(2)(2) (1)(2)(1)(1)   (1)(1)  (1) 
    75.8–76.86.7–7.5--  .8–1.0           
527.Germinated seeds 11164.510.9.322.95.61.4           
    (2)(2)(2) (2)(2)           
    64.1–64.910.3–11.5- 5.5–5.71.3–1.4           
 Beans, hyacinth (Lablab niger; Dolichos lablab):Lablab                  
529.Young pods                   
530.Immature seeds                   
 Beans, kidney (Phaseolus vulgaris):Haricot commun;                  
531.Whole pods, immature, rawharicot; haricot-3688. 750.08.12.5 278
  pain (13)(13)(13) (4)(12)(12)(12)(11) (2)(2)(2)(2) (5)(9)
    87.8–91.51.7–2.8.1–.2 1.0–2.0.5–.832–4447–581.0–3.0 -------- 17–33--
532.Immature seeds, cooked. 5088.        
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)        
533.Leaves, raw 3686. 3, 110 
    (6)(6)(4) (7)(7)(6)(6)(6) (1)(4)(4)(4) (4) 
    84.4–88.33.5–4.1-- 2.3–5.61.6–2.9270–28272–778.4–10.5  ------ -- 
534.Beans, lima; butter beans (Phaseolus lunatus), immature seedsHaricot de Lima; pois du Cap                  
535.Beans, native (Vigna triloba; V. phaseoloides; V. reticulata), pods                   
536.Beans, scarlet runnerHaricot                  
 (Phaseolus coccineus immature seedsd'Espagne; Haricot moucheté                  
537.Beans, snap or waxHaricot                  
 (Phaseolus vulgaris), raw 3688. 750.08.12.5 278
    (13)(13)(13) (4)(12)(12)(12)(11) (2)(2)(2)(2) (5)(9)
    87.8–91.51.7–2.8.1–.2 1.0–2.0.5–.832–4447–581.0–3.0 -------- 17–33--
 Beans, yardlong. See Cowpeas, yardlong.                   
 Beets, common (Beta vulgaris):Betterave                  
538.Root 4686.      336
    (14)(13)(13) (13)(2)(12)(12)(11)      (1)(11)
    77.8–87.81.5–2.8-- .9–1.2.6–1.224–2641–80--       --
539.Leaves, raw  0.20    
    (2)(2)(2) (2)(2)(2)(2)(1)  (1)(1)    
    92.2–92.51.7–2.2.1–.2 .3–.61.6–2.0107–15831–38         
 Beggarticks, railway; black jack; Spanish needles (Bidens pilosa), leaves:Sorne                  
540.Raw 4385.  1,800      
    (2)(2)(1) (2)(2)(1)(1)  (1)      
    83.5–86.72.2–5.3  1.5–6.31.8–2.7           
541.Cooked 3388. ?392.3        
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)        
542.Cooked, peanut butter added 8780.        
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)        
543.Béié-bélé (Maerua ango- lensis), leaves, rawMaerua Bélé-bélé6080.05.4.611.71.72.3420 ?84         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
544.Betel (Piper betle), leaves. Bitter-leaf; ironweedBetel Vernonia                  
 (Vernonia amygdalina), leaves:                   
545.Raw 5282.65.3.410.01.51.7145675.0      51 
    (4)(4)(4) (1)(4)(1)(1)(3)      (3) 
    81.9–84.15.2–5.3--  --  --      49–52 
546.Dreid 19427.432.51.528.6 10.01055365.5      20 
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)(1)(1)(1)      (1) 
547.Bluecurls (Trichodesma ceylanicum)Tricho desma                  
 Bombay; red flowered silk cotton treeKapokier à fleurs                  
 (Bombax buonopozense; B. angulicarpum);rouges                  
548.Leaves, raw 6280.03.4.614.53.51.527632         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
549.Calyces, raw 6482.01.2.814.82.41.217427         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
550.Calyces, dried 31210.93.23.876.3 5.8741          
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)(1)          
 Brinjal. See Eggplant, garden.                   
551.Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica), rawChou- brocoli                  
552.Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea var. gemmi- fera), rawChou de Bruxelles                  
 Buckthorn, sp. (Rhamnus prinoides), leaves,Rhamnus                  
 “Gesho ketél”-Ethiopian product:                   
553.Dried 3059.68.22.973.128.06.21,11312525.0 ? 6,9000.082.6   
    (2)(2)(2) (2)(2)(2)(2)(2) (2)(2)(2)(2)   
    8.9–10.37.1–9.21.9–3.9 27.3–28.75.8–6.71, 012– 1,214100–15015.8–34.3 4,700–9,099--.06–.102.3–2.9   
554.Dried, pounded 28310.612.,392190117.9 ? 11,8000.171.8   
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)   
 Bun-ochra (Urena lobata). See Cadillo.                   
555.Burweed, spp. (Triumfetta spp.), leaves, rawHerbe à panier6878.44.2.415.23.41.83927629.2 ?        
    (2)(2)(2) (2)(2)(2)(2)(2)        
    78.0–78.9---- 3.2–3.61.7–1.9387–39676–7724.7–33.6        
 Butter beans. See Beans, Lima.                   
556.Cabbage, celery (Brassica pekinensis), rawChou de Chine;1394.        
  Pé-tsaï (2)(2)(2) (2)(2)(2)(2)(2)        
    ------ ----------g       
557.Cabbage, Chine (Brassica sinensis, rawChoude Chine;2590. 2,2800.18    
  Pak-choï (2)(2)(1) (2)(2)(1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)    
    --1.8–2.0  .5–2.41.6–1.9           
558.Cabbage common (Brassia oleracea var. capitata), rawChou2691. 5437
    (30)(36)(36) (35)(6)(34)(29)(28) (2)(3)(2)(2) (6)(30)
    89.3–93.6.9–2.3.04–.6 .4–3.8.5–1.527–36728–76.5–3.0 --.03–.05---- 48–7225–40
559.Cadaba, sp. (Cadaba farinosa), leaves, rawCadaba8570.0 (1)9.2 (1)1.3 (1)14.61.9 (1)4.9 (1)738 (1)36 (1)3.8        
 Cadillo; bun-okra: aramina plant (Urena lobata):Urena                  
560.Leaves, raw 5481. ?67       62 
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)       (1) 
561.Flowers Calabash gourd; bottle gourd; club gourdGourde; calebasse                  
 (Lagenaria siceraria; L. vulgaris):                   
562.Fruit pulp, raw 2193. 25.03 .4 10 
    (7)(7)(7) (7)(6)(7)(7)(6) (6)(6) (6) (6) 
    93.1–94.0.5–.7-- .6–.9--11–5020–37-- ---- -- -- 
563.Leaves,raw 4383. ?887.4        
    (2)(2)(2) (2)(2)(2)(2)(1)        
    83.2–84.23.9–4.9.1–.5 1.7–1.82.2–4.4272–84860–116         
564.Capparis(Capparis corym- bosa), leaves, rawCapparis8472. ?305.7        
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)        
565.Carrot (Daucus carota), root, rawCarotte4088. 5, 480.04.04.6 826
    (25)(24)(24) (21)(12)(19)(19)(17) (4)(5)(5)(4) (11)(17)
    85.5–91.9.3–1.1.1–.5 .8–6.6.5–1.027–3726–54.7–.9 5, 040-5–5, 920.03–.05.04–.05.5–.7 6–108–42
 Cassava, bitterManioc                  
 (Manihot esculenta; M. utilissima), leaves:                   
566.Raw 9171. 11, 775.25.602.4 311 
    (40)(37)(35) (25)(34)(31)(32)(25) (15)(19)(19)(18) (23) 
    64.8–88.61.0–10.0.2–2.9 .5–10.0.7–4.134–70827–211.4–8.3 8, 700–12, 250.06–.31.21–.741.3–2.8 60–370 
567.Dried 26618. 5.23134318.0      24 
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
568.Cooked  88.38.2   2.41423523.0      248 
    (1)(1)   (1)(1)(1)(1)      (1) 
569.Cat-tail (Typha spp.), rawMassette; jonc de la Passion                  
 Cats' whiskers. See                   
 Spiderherb, African.                   
 Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis):Chou-fleur                  
570.Raw 2591. 9644
    (14)(14)(14) (14)(5)(13)(13)(12) (2)(3)(3)(2) (6)(10)
    90.2–91.91.5–2.2.1–.2 .4–4.0.8–1.019–8754–72.9–2.8 --0.3–080.8–.10-- 66–10943–54
571.Cooked, fat added 8284.        
    (2)(2)(2) (2)(2)(2)(2)(2)        
    81.0–88.01.0–2.04.2–10.2 .6–.71.6–1.817–1950–57.8–.9        
572.Ceiba, kapok; silk cotton (ceiba pentandra), young leaves, driedKapokier; faux cotonnier                  
573.Ceiba, sp. (ceiba thon- ningi), leaves, dried, poundedGrand fromager épineux                  
574.Ceiba, sp. (Ceiba guineen- sis), calyces of flowers, driedFromager inerme27317.84.0.871.98.65.5930          
     (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)         
575.Celery, wild (Apium graveolens), unbleached, stems and leaves, rawCéleri2092.  .03.25  1750
    (13)(12)(12) (12)(3)(12)(11)(12)  (1)(1)  (1)(9)
    89.6–93.79–2.5.1–4 .3–1.21.2–1.960–24237–149.4–2.8       --
576.Chard,Swiss (Beta vulgaris var. cicla), leaves and stems, rawBette; poirée                  
 Chayote; cho-cho;Chayotte;                  
 vegetable-pear; mirliton; manga squash; christo- phine (Sechium edule):chouchoute                  
577.Fruit, raw 2094.      10 
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)      (1) 
578.Young leaves, raw 88.43.3  4.71.7    4,560       
    (1)(1)  (1)(1)    (1)      
579.Chervil (Anthriscus cerefo- lium; Scandix cerefoli- um)Cerefeuil                  
580.Chicory, common (Cicho- rium intybus), leaves rawChicorée sauvage 89.9    1.4  2.2        
    (1)    (1)  (1)        
581.Chive (Allium schoeno- prasum)Cpooulette                  
 Cho-cho. See Chayote.                   
582.Christ-thorn (Zizyphus spina-Christi), leavesLotus du Coran                  
583.Cirimbgirimbi; Chireberebe, leaves, cooked with water, salt and peanut butter added 6983.        
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)        
584.Cleome, sp.; mupulaCleome                  
 (Cleome rutidosperma; C. cilita), leaves, raw. 5781.05.5.910.11.72.5454 ?592.7        
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)        
585.Cockcomb, feather; quail grass (Celosia argentea), leaves, rawCélosie4483.        
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)        
586.Cockcomb (Celosia trigy- na and C. laxa), leaves, rawCélosie3388. 1, 925 .10  10 
    (2)(2)(2) (2)(2)(2)(2)(1) (1) (1)  (2) 
    85.0–92.71.9–3.5.3–.6 .4–2.41.3–2.099–21025–40       2–18 
587.Coconut-palm (Cocos nucifera), terminal bud.Cocotier                  
 Cocoyam, leaves. See Taro, leaves.                   
588.Coffee (Coffea arabica), leaves, driedCafé3066.49.35.566.617.512.21, 910 ?17096.6 2, 3600.215.2   
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)   
589.Colewort, sp.; AbyssinianChou                  
 kale (Crame abyssinica), leaves, rawd'Ayssinie3289. 85tr..09.7   
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)   
590.Collard; kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala), leaves, rawChou frisé4384. 900    11032
    (3)(2)(2) (2)(2)(2)(2)(2) (2)    (2)(2)
    82.7–88.4---- ----------      ----
591.Combretum, panicledCombretum                  
 (Combretum panicula- tum), leaves                   
 Conophor. See Awusa.                   
592.Conyza,sp(Conyza aegyptiaca),leavesConyza                  
 Corn,maize. See Maize, immature ears.                   
 Cowpeas, catjang (Vigna unguiclata,subs. catjang):Niébé catjang; loubia;                 ,
593.Immature seedsharicot-4983.  150     22
  dolique (4)(4)  (4)(4)(3)(3)  (1)     (1)
   76.6–90.73.4–7.0.3–.7 1.5–3.4.8–3.278–20961–76          
594.Leaves, raw 4485. 7,970.20.372.1 565
    (24)(24)(13) (21)(24)(24)(22)(21) (19)(8)(8)(7) (22)(1)
    83.1–90.03.4–5.3tr.–.7 .04–2.8.9–2.554–29527–2001.8–8.1 7, 551–8, 220.20–.22.30–.38-- 38–60 
595.Leaves, dried 27710.622.63.254.6 9.01, 55634812.0      86 
    (2)(2)(2)  (2)(2)(1)(1)      (1) 
    9.5–11.816.1–29.23.0–3.3  8.4–9.51,342–          
596.Leaves, cooked with        1,769          
 peanut butter 9278.        
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)        
597.Cowpeas, commonDolique;                  
 (Vigna unguiculata subs. unguiculata), immature seedsharicot indigène; haricot d'Espagne                  
 Cowpeas, yardlong; Chinese longbean (Vigna unguiculata subs. sesquipedalis):Dolique- asperge; haricot- kilomètre                  
598.Immature seed and pod                   
600.Leaves, cooked with peanut butter                   
601.Crassocephalum, sp.Crassoce-                  
 (Crassocephalum rubens; Gynura cernua), leaves, rawphalum6479.93.2.714.01.92.226052         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
602.Crateva, sp. (Crateva adansonii; C. religiosa), leaves, rawCrateva7076. 4,960.39.711.4 192 
    (18)(18)(18) (18)(18)(11)(11)(9) (9)(9)(9)(9) (10) 
    75.4–82.54.9–6.0.1–.3 2.4–4.11.8–2.8341–41845–175-- -------- 159–196 
603.Cress, garden (Lepidium sativum), leaves, rawCresson alénois                  
604.Crotalaria, sp. (Crotalaria ochroleuca; C. inter- media), leaves, rawCrotalaria 74.58.8   1.6222 .8        
    (1)(1)   (1)(1) (1)        
605.Cucumber (Cucumis sati- vus), whole, rawConcombre; cornichon1595. tr..02.01.3 1428
    (15)(14)(14) (13)(6)(14)(14)(14) (2)(2)(2)(2) (3)(9)
    90.4–96.4.3–.9.1–.3 tr.–1.6.3–1.18–2520–95tr.–1.0 -------- 13–15--
606.Cucumeropsis, sp.; egusi (Cucumeropsis mannii; C. edulis), fruitGoussi                  
 Cucurbit; horned-cucumberConcombre                  
 (Cucumis metuliferus):africain                  
 Dah; Deccan hemp;                   
 Bombay hemp, leaves.                   
 See Hibiscus, kenaf, leaves.                   
609.Dandelion, commonPissenlit                  
 (Taraxacum officinale)                   
610.Dayflower, sp (Comme- lina benghalensis), leaves, rawCommeline4386.         
    (2)(2)(2) (2)(2)(2)(2)         
    81.0–91.32.0–2.6-- 1.3–3.41.5–1.8150–27050–53         
 Desert-date (Balanites aegyptiaca);Dattier du désert                  
612.Young leaves                   
 Devil's thorn. See Puncturevine.                   
613.Dill (Anethum graveolens),Aneth                57 
 leaves and stems                 (6) 
 Disperma, sp. (Disperma trachyphyllum), leaves:Disperma                  
616.Dock, spinach-rhubarbOseille                  
 (Rumex abyssinicus),pahouine;                  
 Doum palm, Egyptian;Doum;                  
 gingerbread palmPalmier                  
 (Hyphaene thebaica):doum                  

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