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Item No.Food and DescriptionRefuse is as purchasedComposition in Terms of 100 Grams, Edible Portion and As Purchased
Food EnergyMoistureProteinFatCarbohydrate,total (incl.fiber)FiberAshCalciumPhosphorusIronSodiumPotassiumRetionalBcarotene EquivalentThiamineRiboflavinNiacinAscorbicacid
544Greens, raw:                   
aE.P01893. 780.15.200.560
bA.P.; refuse, hard stems amd trimmings201474. 625.12.160.448
 Horsebean, See Bean, broad.                   
 Horseradish (Armoracia Ispathifolia):                   
545Root, raw:                   
aE.P0(69)(80.2)(2.7)(0.2)(15.5)(1.4)(1.4)(24)(65)(2.1)   (5)(.03)(.07)(0.4)(22)
bA.P.; refuse, parings27(51)(58.5)(2.0)(0.2)(11.3)(1.0)(1.0)(18)(47)(1.5)   (5)(.02)(.05)(0.3)(16)
 Horseradish; dish tree; drumstick leaves                   
 (Moringa oleifera):                   
aE.P07277.67.41.511.61.21.9297903.64473 8,855.20.733.4167
bA.P.; refuse, stems and touga leaves394447. 5,400.12.442.1102
547Cooked, E.P07078.   5,365.17.471.837
548Pods and tender leaves, raw:                   
bA.P.; refuse, stems and tough leaves492044. 
549Pods, raw, E.P04286. 1.158620.8
 Horsetail, field (Equisetum arvense):                   
550Leaves, raw:                   
aE.P02093.   3000.075.650
bA.P.; refuse, stems101884.   2700.065.045
 Indianmulberry (Morinda citrifolia):                   
551Leaves, raw, E.P010777.64.57.8?   36,
 Indian sorrel. See Sorrel, red.                   
 Ivygourd, India (Coccinia cordifolia; C.indica; Cephalandra indica):                   
552Gourd, raw, E.P02093.60.705.2 0.525250.6 81?
553Leaves, raw, E.P02890.   10,845.17.133.848
554Jackbean, common(Canavalla ensiformis) Immature pods, raw, E.P04388.   25.10  0
 Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophylls):                   
555Leaves, raw, E.P07575.55.0017.5 2.01706017.5    .10  70
 Fruit. See Group 6.                   
 Jal ap. See Turpeth root, Indian.                   
 Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus):                   
556Tuber, raw:                   
aE.P06980. 382 tr..20.050.26
bA.P.; refuse, parings255160. 286 tr..15.040.24
 Jew's ear; Juda's ear; woodear (Auricularia polytricha), E.P.:                   
 Tender variety:                   
557Raw04287.   0(.02)(.11)(0.2) 
558Dried, soaked, drained02992. 
 Tough variety:                   
560Dried03257.  (.17).322.2 
561Dried, soaked, drained07678.  .03.090.1 
 Jew;s ear, white (Auricularia sp):                   
562Dried, E.P029212.94.11.875.21.84.3511?25030.4 987  tr..141.5 
 Jointfir, spinach; relindjo leaves                   
 (Gnetum gnemon):                   
563Leaves, raw:                   
aE.P08275.43.80.818.42.61.61281002.7183 3,555.17.241.6113
bA.P.; refuse, stems117367.13.40.716.42.31.4114892.4174 3,
564Fruit, raw, E.P06680.05.00.713.3 1.0163752.8   600.10  100
 Jute, potherb Corchorus olitorius):                   
aE.P04384. 7,850.13.261.153
bA.P.; refuse, tough stems and trimmings342855. 5,
566Cooked, E.P04484.   6,850.09.200.9tr.
 Kalimeris, sp. (Kalimeris yomena):                   
567Leaves, raw:                   
aE.P02990.   1,860.15.202.050
bA.P.; refuse, trimmings102681.   1,675.14.181.845
 kale. See Collard                   
 kawati. See Gliricidia,sp.                   
 kelp. See Seaweed.                   
 Kimchi(Korean food);pickled, fermented vegetables, red pepper, garlic, and and green onion added, mainly made from                   
568Oriental radishes (Kach doo ki; gactuki)04187. 0.74      .03.065.59
569Oriental radishes, sweetened (Danmoo gi)03078.       .03.04 0
570Oriental radishes including juice (Dong chi mi)02193. 0.21      .01.031.07
571Oriental radish leaves(Mu chung Kimchi)03889.      .03.072.917
572Young and tender oriental radishes (Yul moo Kimchi)01694. 1.024      .04.060.424
573Oriental radishes, sliced (Jang a gee).07573.83.41.814.62.86.4521603.0    .96.660.50
574Cucumber,pickled(Oigee)05678.01.10.912.71.47.3535555?0.4   .04.04.040
575Cucumber, sweetened, Japanese style (Nara seu kei)05579.      .04.03  
576Chinese cabbage(Tong kimchi)03590. 0.528          
 Kohlrabi(Brassia oleracea var.gongylodes):                   
aE.P03189. 2,
bA.P.;refuse, tops and parings232469. 1,540.04.080.552
 Kudzubean, thunberg(pueraria thunbergianna):                   
578Leaves, cooked,E.P03689.   0.03.910.80
 Root.See Group 2.                   
 Laver.See Seaweed.                   
 Leadtree, whitepopinac; wild tamarind (leucaena glauca; L leucocephala):                   
579Tender tops and pods, raw E.P05980.   4,730 .095.48
 Leek (Allium porrum):                   
aE.P.; lower leaf and bulb03589. 2,435.09.100.632
bA.P.; fefuse, top and rootelts282564. 2,
aE.P.01694. 62
bA.P., refuse, trimmings81587. 57
582Flowers, raw E.P.05583.15.50.510.51.10.423380.9   2,550.14.190.940
 Leek, Chinese. See Onion, fragrant.                   
 Lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus):                   
583Leaves, raw:                   
aE.P.09274.31.01.421.94.21.432301.8   425.05.022.21
bA.P.; refuse, tough leaves and stems286653.   305.04.011.61
 Letruce, garden (Lacnica saciya):                   
aE.P.02093. 2,
bA.P.; refuse, outer leaves261469. 1,505.04.090.412
aE.P.01495.   885.04.040.24
bA.P.; refuse, outer leaves51491.   840.04.040.24
 Lettuce, garden asparagus (Lactuca sativa var. asparagina):                   
aE.P.01694.  720.06.06.0615
bA.P.; refuse, outer leaves51590.  685.06.06.0614
 Letuce, prickly; Chinese letuce                   
 (Latuca scariola;L. serriola):                   
587Leaves, raw                   
aE.P.02293. 203 1,990.14.120.715
bA.P.; refuse, outer leaves261668. 1,475.10.09.0511
aE.P.01395. 231
bA.P.; refuse, tough skin and ends.48749. 120
589Pickled and fermented paste added.03380. 207      
 Lily, sp. (Lilium lansifolium):                   
590Root, raw:                   
bA.P.; refuse, parings159656.14.10.523.10.91.242040.48
 Lily, tiger (Lilium tigrinum):                   
591Bulb, dried, E.P.031514.57.91.872.51.43.330125.08868500.08.082.417
 Loofah, smooth, See Groud, rag, cylinder type                   
 Lotus, hindu(Nelumbo nucifers):                   
bA.P.; refuse, skins154472.
593Canned, total contents of cas, E.P01595.80.5tr.  .01.010.1 
594Flour033611. 61 
 Maize. See Corn.                   
 Malabar nightshade. See Vinespinach.                   
 Mallow, high or chinese (Malva sylvestris):                   
595Leaves, raw:                    
aE.P.02891.   3,315.17.290.524
bA.P.; refuse, trimmings102582.   2,985.15.260.422
 Mango, common (Mangifera indica):                   
596Young leaves raw:                   
aE.P.05482.   610.06.091.527
bA.P.; refuse, trimmings114973.   545.05.081.324
 Marshweed(Limnophila spp.):                   
597Leaves, raw, E.P.02492. 0.976243.5123137 2,
 Matai; waternut; water chestnut (Elocharis tuberosa; E. dulcis):                   
bA.P.; refuse, skins275059.
 Canned, E.P.;                   
599Drained solids only04985.60.9tr.
600Total contents of can04089.  .01.01.03 
 Matrimony vine. See Wolfberry, Chinese, leaves.                   
 Melon, pickling, oriental (Cucumis conomon):                   
aE.P.01395. ?  tr..02.020.219
bA.P.; refuse, parings and seeds191077.  tr..02.020.215
602Soaked in sake cake, E.P.03686.,300  0.04.0300
603Pickeled, E.P.01485.   0.01.03010
 Mint leaves(Mentha sp.):                   
aE.P.03289. 1.6194483.82179 2,
bA.P.;refuse, tough stems and branche701026. 0.558141.1154 650.04.050.219
 Mombin, red (Spondias purpurea):                   
605Shoots and tender strems, raw:                   
aE.P.03588.    .08.121.523
bA.P.; refuse, stems and trimmings242767.    .06.091.117
606Leaves, raw, E.P. 05981.03.50.313.4 1.8540826.2   1,740.06  29
 Monochoria, sp. (Monochoria vaginalis):                   
607Leaves, raw:                   
aE.P.01893. 2.080453.7   600.08  50
bA.P.; refuse, stems and trimmings301265. 1.456322.6   420.06  35
 Mugwort, see wormwood, mugwort.                   
 Mungbean; green grain; tiensin green bean(Phaseolus sureus; Vigna radiata):                   
bA.P.; refuse, rootiets72883.
609Cooked, E.P.03489. tr..07.060.53
 Seeds, mature dried see Group 3.                   
 Mushroom2chinese (Agaricus bretscheideri):                   
610Dried, E.P.028412.810.01.866.66.74.57628611.7381,482 0.371.3211.30
611Dried, soaked, drained, E.P.04487.  .01.134.0 
 Mushroom, cultivated(Agaricus campestris):                   
aE.P.03788. 0.10.424.83
bA.P.; refuse, trimmings93480. 0.09.313.93
613Canned, E.P.02291.
614Dried, E.P.02539.125.33.537.06.014.3(64)718(8.0) 2,590      
 Mushroom, straw(Volvaria volvaces; V. esculents):                   
 E.P.03490. 0.12.339.12
616Dried, E.P.03228.320.,000  .322.7359.5 
617Dried, soaked, drained, E.P.04886.  .062.961.2 
 Canned, E.P.:                   
618Drained solids only03089. 
619Total content of can02292. 
 Mustard greens, Indian (Brassica juncea):                   
 Leaves and stems:                   
aE.P.02491. 1,825.06.140.873
bA.P.; refuse, trimmings102382. 1,640.05.130.766
621Cooked, E.P.01694.   1,525.04.070.627
622Dried and salted, E.P.025214.518.22.352.812.812.21,16331426.2 2,031      
623Semi dried, salted and pickled, E.P.022230.313.36.338.42.411.750412410.8   tr..10.5503
624Salted02188. 745.03.12.053
625Soured, salted06273.82.20.317.02.96.7113381.2    .03.020.60
626Salted, rice bran added02789. 2.81501353.4   1,380.14.121.82
aE.P.01694.   tr..02.030.516
bA.P.; refuse, trimmings56741.50.6tr.   tr..01.010.27
628Raw, E.P.03885. 447
629Pickled, E.P.09450.43.70.722.42.922.8214498.2 981      
630Spiced, E.P.04772. 1,328
 Mustard, Japanese(Brassica japonica):                   
631Leaves, raw:                   
aE.P02392. 500.08.131.070
bA.P.; refuse, trimmings102182. 450.07.120.963
 Myrobalan. See Terminalia, chebula.                   
 New Zealand spinach (Tetragonia tetragonioides; T. expansa):                   
632Leaves, raw:                   
aE.P.02291. 3,540.05.241.227
bA.P.; refuse, mainstalk and outer leaves391355. 2,
 Nightshade, black (Solanum nigrum):                   
633Leaves, raw:                   
aE.P.04485.   1,650.12.241.330
bA.P.; refuse stems and trimmings362854.   1,
 Nightshade, sp.(Solanum spp.):                   
634Fruit, raw, E.P.06078.   700.04.108.4?8
 Nittatree, sp.; sa to (Parkis speciosa):                   
635Pods, raw, E.P.013070.    .11.011.06
 Okra; lady's finger (Hibicus esculentus):                   
636Fruit, raw:                   
bA.P.; refuse, stem ends102880.
637Cooked, E.P03389.71.2tr.   90    
 Onion, common, garden (Allium cepa):                   
aE.P03888. tr..06.040.29
bA.P.; refuse, skins and ends63883. tr..06.040.28
639Cooked, E.P03590.
 Immature bulbs and tops:                   
aE.P.02891. 890.06.110.529
bA.P.; refuse, damaged tops and rootlets102582. 800.05.100.426
 Onion, fragrant; Chinese leek (Alliumodorum):                   
aE.P.03488. 1,
bA.P., refuse, damaged tips and rootles103179. 920.07.130.832
 Onion, Welsh (Allium fistulosum):                   
aE.P03091. 630.06.080.519
bA.P.; refuse, damaged tips androotlets132779. 550.05.070.416
 Palmyrapalm (Borasus flabellifer):                   
643Young shoots; germinating radicles, E.P010369.     .05.180.98
 Papaya (Carica papaya):                   
644Young leaves, raw:                   
aE.P07477. 11,565.09.482.1140
bA.P.; tough stems and trimmings295255. 8,210.06.341.599
645Fruit, unripe, raw:                   
bA.P.; refuse, skins and seeds321862.
 Fruit, ripe. See Group 6.                   
 Parsley, curley (Petroselinum crispum):                   
646Raw, E.P05083. 1,550.18.251.0153
 Parsnip, garden (Pastinaca sativa):                   
aE.P0(76)(79.1)(1.7)(0.5)(17.5)(2.0)(1.2)(50)(77)(0.7)(12)(541) (20)(.08)(.09)(0.2)(16)
bA.P.; refuse, parings and trimmings.22(59)(61.7)(1.3)(0.4)(13.6)(1.6)(0.9)(39)(60)(0.5)(9)(422) (15)(.06)(.07)(0.2)(12)
 Peas, ediblepodded or sugarpeas                   
 (Pisum sativum var, macrocarpon):                   
648Raw, young pods:                   
bA.P.; refuse, strings and tips73781.
649Cooked, E.P03090.71.307.61.30.416200.27102
 Peas, garden (Pisum sativum):                   
650Raw, seeds:                   
aE.P., shelled09475.66.20.416.92.40.9321021.26350 405.28.112.827
bA.P.; refuse, shells554234.
651Canned, drained solids, E.P010279.53.10.316.02.21.127681.4    .05.031.00
 Pekingese cabbage. See Cabbage, celery.                   
 Peperomia, shiny (Peperomia pellucida):                   
652Leaves, raw:                   
aE.P02592. 2,500.03.070.610
bA.P.; refuse, trimmings52487. 2,375.03.060.610
 Peppers, red; tabasco; chili pepper                   
 (Capsicum frutescens):                   
aE.P011665.46.31.424.815.02.1861203.6231,286 6,600.37.512.596
bA.P.; refuse, stem ends, seeds and cores1310056.,119 5,700.32.452.284
654Dried028815.311.712.443.713.416.922385345.0601,500 27,4301.141.5319.8184
655Paste, E.P03587. 260  .01.010.118
 Peppers, sweet (Capsicum annum):                   
656Fruit, green, raw:                   
aE.P02692. 1,750.07.080.8103
bA.P.; refuse, stem ends, seeds and cores132380. 1,520.06.070.790
657Cooked, E.P01894. 195?.03.030.466
658Fruit, red, raw:                   
aE.P04586. 374 4,770.09.120.486
bA.P.; refuse, stem end, seeds and cores64381. 352 4,485.08.120.481
 Peppers, all varieties (Capsicum spp.):                   
659Leaves, raw, E.P05382. 6,210.40.331.968
 Pepper, sp. (Piper sarmentosum):                   
660Leaves, raw, E.P010169.55.42.518.84.63.8601?307.6?   5,290.13.1116.210?
 Perilla, common, purple; Shantung greens                   
 (Perilla frutescens):                   
661Greens, raw:                   
aE.P04286. 4,380.07.320.846
bA.P.; refuse, tough stem and trimmings253164. 3,
662Seeds, raw, E.P04288.   780.08.090.520
 Philippine spinach. See Fameflower, potherb.                   
 Pickling melon. See Melon, pickling, oriental.                   
 Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan):                   

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