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FAO’s Main Activities and Results in Food Supply and Distribution to Cities[1]

Identification of intervention strategies with respect to food supply and distribution systems to Francophone African cities. Regional seminar held in Dakar, Senegal. Collaboration: Senegalese Institute of Agricultural Research, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, CRDI, CTA, GTZ and FAO.

Identification of main constraints affecting urban food marketing in the capital cities of the Near East. Regional seminar held in Beirut, Lebanon. Collaboration: AFMANENA and FAO.

Identification of Local Authorities’ responsibilities with respect to urban food marketing in Latin America. Regional seminar held in San José, Costa Rica. Collaboration: ALDMA, San José Wholesale Market (PIMA-CENADA) and FAO.

Identification of main constraints to urban food supply and distribution to Saana from an urban planning point of view. Workshop held in Saana, Yemen. Collaboration: Ministry of Agriculture, AFMANENA and FAO.

Technical Assistance to the City of Amman, Jordan, for the formulation of an urban policy and action plan for the development of food supply and distribution systems - Project TCP/JOR/8923.

Identification of main constraints to urban food supply and distribution to Bamako. Workshop held in Bamako, Mali. Collaboration: Central Municipality of Bamako and FAO.

Identification of main constraints to urban food supply and distribution to Colombo. Workshop held in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Collaboration: Municipality of Colombo, GTZ and FAO.

Identification of main constraints to urban food supply and distribution to Hanoi. Workshop held in Hanoi, Vietnam. Collaboration: Hanoi People’s Committee, UNICEF and FAO.

Identification of main constraints to urban food supply and distribution to Lahore. Workshop held in Lahore, Pakistan. Collaboration: Metropolitan Corporation Lahore and Agriculture and Livestock Products Marketing and Grading Department and FAO.

Manuals for the planning and design of wholesale and retail markets (FAO).

Identification of main constraints to urban food marketing in Quito. Workshop held in Quito, Ecuador. Collaboration: Municipality of Quito and FAO.

Identification of main constraints to urban food marketing in Lima. Workshop held in Lima, Peru. Collaboration: Municipality of Lima and FAO.

Identification of main constraints affecting food marketing channels to Ouagadougou. Workshop held in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Collaboration: National Association of Municipalities of Burkina Faso, Canada and FAO.

Low-cost rehabilitation programme of urban markets in the Accra metropolitan area (Ghana). Collaboration: Accra Metropolitan Authority and FAO.

Urban and national action plans for the development of food supply and distribution systems to Dakar, Senegal (FAO).

Manual for decision-making in market infrastructure investments.

Guide for urban planners and managers to food supply and distribution.

Preliminary assessment of food supply and distribution to the following cities: Abidjan, Accra, Addis Ababa, Aden, Amman, Bamako, Bangkok, Belo Horizonte, Bogota, Buenos Aires, Cairo, Caracas, Conakry, Dakar, Damascus, Delhi, Jakarta, Lagos, Manila, Mexico City, Nairobi, Ouagadougou, Rabat and Santiago de Chile (FAO).

Information Centre “Food into Cities”. University of Bologna (Italy).

Methodological and operational guide to the analysis and development of food supply and distribution systems. Collaboration: University of Bologna, Municipality of Cesena (Italy), SERINAR and FAO.

Application of a methodology for the assessment of food marketing in La Havana, Cuba. Collaboration: ALDMA, Cuban Ministry of Agriculture and FAO.

Specialised Web site with free technical documentation (FAO).

[1] At 30 November 1999

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