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08:30 - 09:00

Registration of Participants and Arrival of Chief Guest

Opening Session:

Chief Guest, Mr. Jahangir Khan Tareen, Chairman, Chief minister's Task Force on Agriculture

0900 - 0905

Recitation from the Holy Quran

0905 - 0910

Welcome address by Mr. Saifullah Khan Khattak, ALMA, Islamabad

0910 - 0940

Keynote Address by Mr. Olivio Argenti, Focal Point, 's Initiatives on Food Supply and Distribution to Cities, FAO, Rome, Italy

0940 - 0950

Keynote Address by Mr. Khwaja Ahmed Hassaan, Lord Mayor, Metropolitan Corporation Lahore

0950 - 1000

Opening Address by Chief Guest

1000 - 1030

Tea Break

Working Session 1:

1030 - 1250

Discussion in plenary (discussion leader: Olivio Argenti, FAO, Rome)

1250 - 1300

Formulation of Working Groups and Their Terms of Discussion

1300 - 1400


Working Session 2:

1400 - 1530


1. Wholesale Markets;

2. Retail Markets;

3. Food Trade and the Environment;

4. Legislation, Regulation and Private Investments;

5. Rural-Urban Linkages.

1530 - 1545


Closing Session:

Chief Guest Mr. Khwaja Ahmed Hassaan, Lord Mayor, Lahore MCL

1545 - 1615

Presentations by Working Groups and Discussion in Plenary of the Conclusions and Recommendations

1615 - 1630

Closing Remarks by Chief Guest Closure of the workshop

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