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5. Analysing the Legal Environment for Urban Food Markets

A legal framework should facilitate the attainment of the objectives of urban food marketing policy. The effectiveness of the legal framework must be evaluated against these policy objectives and not only against the criterion of economic efficiency. Since different countries have different policy objectives, it is not possible to define a universal set of criteria for evaluating such legal frameworks. However, it is informative to discuss national regulatory frameworks on the basis of the three criteria of: flexibility and responsiveness to the needs of participants in the food marketing system; certainty regarding the law and transparency regarding its implementation; and the enforceability of laws and contracts. Indicators in respect of each of the criteria are also set out below to facilitate evaluating the performance of a regulatory framework against the criteria. Applying these criteria should give a very general indication of the extent to which the legal framework is conducive to encouraging efficient private sector involvement in urban food marketing.

1. Flexibility and responsiveness to the needs of participants in the food marketing system.


2. Certainty and transparency concerning the law and its implementation.

If the meaning of all relevant laws is clearly understood by participants, the law is implemented and enforced in a consistent manner, and there is an effective mechanism for enforcing compliance with contracts, there will be greater legal certainty, the risks to participants will be significantly reduced and the system will operate more efficiently. “Transparency” refers to the degree to which the workings of a regulatory system are clear and “visible” to those affected by it. Making a regulatory system more transparent can help reduce the possibility of corruption and increase the predictability of administrative decision-making, by making officials more accountable to the public. This creates greater certainty about how a law will be implemented and reduces the risk of those affected by it.


3. Enforceability of laws and contracts


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