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Bowbrick, P. “Are Price Reporting Systems of Any Use?” British Food Journal, 1988, 90:2, pp 65-69

Haerah, A., Gani, R., Schubert, B. and Zehrfield, E-H “Manual of Operations for an Agricultural Market Information Service,” Indonesian-German Technical Cooperation Project ATA85/86 Publication No. 7, March 1979.

Helder, Jan and Nyhoff, Jan-Joost, “Market Information for Early Warning,” Document presented to the 1994 SADC Early Warning System for Food Security Training Workshop, Harare, July 1994

Holtzman, John S., “Towards a Regional Livestock and Meat Market Information System” Abt Associates Inc., Maryland, USA, 1995

Holtzman, J.S. et al, “Market Information Systems and Services: Lessons from the AMIS Project Experience.” Abt Associates, Bethesda, Maryland, 1993

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Lutz C., “The functioning of the maize market in Benin: spatial and temporal arbitrage on the market of a staple food crop”. University of Amsterdam, Department of Regional Economics, 1994

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Schubert, B. et. al. “Market Information Services,” AGS Bulletin No. 57, FAO, Rome, 1983

Shepherd, Andrew W., “A Guide to Marketing Costs and How to Calculate Them” AGSM, FAO, Rome, 1993

Shepherd, Andrew W. and Schalke, Alexander, “The Indonesian Horticultural Market Information Service” AGSM Occasional Paper No. 8, FAO, Rome, December 1995

Singh, M. Mukhtiar, “The Malaysian Experience in Developing a Market Information System for Horticultural Products,” FAMA, Kualu Lumpur, 1991

“Strategic Grain Reserves - Guidelines for their Establishment, Management and Operation” AGSM, FAO, Rome, 1997

“The Agricultural Market Information System in Zambia” Market Liberalization Impact Study No. 9, Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security Division, Lusaka, July 1995

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