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Matters Referred by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and Other Codex Committees (Agenda Item 2)[2]

5. The Committee noted the decisions of the Commission concerning the work of the Committee. It noted in particular that the amendments to the Rules of Procedure proposed at the Committee's last session had been adopted by the Commission and had now been confirmed by the Directors-General.

6. The Committee noted that several of the matters referred by the Commission had been included on the present Agenda for discussion, notably risk analysis (Agenda Item 3) and the composition of the Executive Committee (Agenda Item 5). This latter point had also been the subject of matters arising from the Regional Coordinating Committee for Asia.

7. It was further noted that several Committees had responded to this Committee's request to provide information on the legitimate factors other than science used in their decision-making process. An addendum to CX/GP 00/2 with recent contributions was prepared for the Committee's consideration under Item 6.

[2] CX/GP 00/2

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