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7. The Committee agreed to discuss the request[3] of the 14th Session of the Codex Committee on General Principles (CCGP) for relevant committees "to identify and clarify the relevant factors taken into account in their work, in the framework of risk analysis, as this would facilitate the general debate in the CCGP on other legitimate factors" under Other Business and Future Work (see paras. 143-147).

8. The Committee noted that for the sake of harmonization and consistency throughout Codex, the 31st Session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues (CCPR) decided[4] to send the "Agreed CCPR Positions on Setting Extraneous Maximum Residue Limits (EMRLs)" to the CCFAC for their consideration. The CCFAC agreed to circulate the document for comment and consideration at its 33rd Session.

9. The Committee noted that the Commission had adopted the maximum level of 15 mg/kg for total aflatoxins in peanuts intended for further processing. The Commission had also adopted the draft sampling plan on an interim basis, with the understanding that the issue would be further considered by the Committee (i.e., CCFAC) and the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS) on the basis of proposals to be developed by an electronic working group prior to their next Sessions.[5]

10. The Committee noted that the 23rd Session of the CCMAS was not scheduled to be held until late February 2001, immediately prior to the 33rd CCFAC. The Committee therefore decided that a drafting group under the direction of the Netherlands, with the participation of Argentina, China, India, Italy, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, the United States and the EC, would prepare a proposed draft revised version of the sampling plan for peanuts for circulation, comment and consideration at its next meeting. It was further decided that the proposed draft revised sampling plan should also be referred for consideration by the 23rd Session of the CCMAS.

[2] CX/FAC 00/2
[3] ALINORM 99/33A, para. 76
[4] ALINORM 99/24A, paras. 106-110 and Appendix VIII
[5] ALINORM 99/37, para. 102

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