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62. The 31st Session of the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants noted that the Joint FAO/WHO/IAEA Study Group on High Dose Irradiation had considered the wholesomeness of food irradiated with doses above 10 kGy, the current limit in the Codex General Standard for Irradiated Foods (CODEX STAN 106-1983), and had concluded that food irradiated to any dose appropriate to achieve the technological objective was both safe and nutritionally adequate. In view of this recommendation, the 31st CCFAC considered the need for a revision of the current Standard. As there was general support for the revision, the Committee agreed to propose the revision of the General Standard as new work.[31] The 23rd session of the Commission approved the proposed revision to the Codex General Standard for Irradiated Foods.[32]

63. The representative of the IAEA drew attention to recommendations made by the Joint FAO/WHO/IAEA Study Group on High Dose Irradiation that no upper limit on dose be imposed, since any food irradiated to a dose appropriate to achieve the technological objective would be safe to consume and nutritionally adequate.

64. The comments either submitted in writing or presented orally at the current meeting in general supported the need to revise the General Standard. The representative of the EU did not support a change to the current maximum dose. Some countries recommended minor modifications to the proposed revision. One recommendation made by the European Union, and supported by Consumers International, would involve replacing the current paragraph 3.1 on hygiene with a more explicit statement on good hygienic practices. Two delegations noted that the companion Recommended International Code of Practice for the Operation of Irradiation Facilities used for the Treatment of Foods (CAC/RCP 19-1979) should also be amended.

65. The Committee decided to ask WHO, in coordination with IAEA and FAO, to revise the Codex General Standard for Irradiated Foods for circulation, comment at Step 3 and further consideration by the 33rd CCFAC. The Committee also agreed to request the Executive Committee to consider as new work the proposed draft revision of the companion Recommended International Code of Practice for the Operation of Irradiation Facilities Used for the Treatment of Foods (CAC/RCP 19-1979) for consistency with the ongoing revision of the General Standard and to incorporate HACCP principles.

[30] CL 1999/32-FAC and comments submitted by Canada, Australia, South Africa and Consumers International (CX/FAC 00/11)
[31] ALINORM 99/12A, paras. 6-7
[32] ALINORM 99/37, para. 210 and Appendix VIII

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