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2) The Session was opened by Ms. Diane Gorman, Assistant Deputy Minister, Health Protection Branch, Health Canada, who recalled the considerable achievement of the Committee since its creation, with the completion of several essential texts which had been developed to ensure consumer information. Ms. Gorman stressed the importance of risk analysis principles for public health protection issues and the need to involve all interested parties in the review of national policies. This was reflected in the current review of nutrition labelling policy in Canada, which had been conducted on a wide consultative basis and would soon be completed. Ms. Gorman pointed out that the Committee was scheduled to consider very complex issues, especially as regards biotechnology, and that its conclusions would contribute to facilitate the current debate on biotechnology, and she wished delegates all success in this important work.

3) Mr Thomas Billy, Chairman of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, highlighted the areas of priority in order to ensure the success of Codex work: the scientific basis of decisions; support from the parent organizations; the increased participation of developing countries, and the involvement of non-Governmental Organizations. He stressed the importance of transparency as well as efficiency in the decision process in order to address the critical issues that the Committee had to consider, especially as regards biotechnology.

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