Undisplayed Graphic


The rainy season has started in the south. The first rains were registered in mid-April in the east and the south. The weather remained mostly dry in late April and during the first and second dekads of May. Precipitation resumed in the east and the south during the third dekad of May and the first one of June. Land preparation for coarse grains is underway in the east and the north. Planting of rice in seedbeds has also started. Transplanting will start in July/August after desalination of swamp rice fields with more rains.

Seed availability problems are likely in some areas following the 1009 reduced harvest. However, seed distributions have been undertaken with support from FAO, UNDP and the Government of Sweden and 120 tonnes of rice seeds have been produced and distributed in the framework of an FAO emergency project.

Satellite Images (Cold Cloud Duration for the last three dekads)

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