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Inclusion of Additional Species in the Standards for Fish and Fishery Products: Chilean Langostino (Agenda Item 3)[4]

26) The Committee recalled that at the request of its 23rd Session the Delegation of Chile provided a document containing the background information concerning commercial importance in international trade and taxonomical characteristics of the species Pleuroncodes monodon and Cervimundia johni for the purpose of elaborating of a specific standard for Chilean langostinos.

27) While considering this matter it was indicated that the above species were of commercial importance and that the name “Chilean langostinos” was not acceptable due to linguistic problems. Some langostinos were already included in the Codex Standards for Canned Shrimps and Prawns and for Quick Frozen Shrimps and Prawns under different names, and langostinos themselves were widely distributed across geographical regions under various names.

28) Some delegations were of the opinion that those species were quite distinct from lobsters therefore a specific standard for Galatheidae should be developed. Other delegations while recognizing morphological and taxonomical differences of those species supported their inclusion in the current standard, which already included a wide range of species and indicated that those differences could be addressed by clear specific provisions in the Labelling and other relevant sections of the current Standard for Quick Frozen Lobsters.

29) The Committee agreed that the Standard for Quick Frozen Lobsters should be amended to include both species i.e. Pleuroncodes monodon and Cervimundia johni subject of approval as new work by the 24th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. It also agreed that the Delegation of Chile would provide a proposed draft amendment including the amendments to be made to the title and relevant sections, including labelling, for consideration by the next session of the Committee.

[4] CX/FFP 00/3; CX/FFP 00/3-Add.1 (comments of Spain, Peru); CX/FFP 00/3-Add.2 (Ecuador); CRD 5 (Brazil)

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