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Proposed Draft Standard for Moluscan Shellfish (Agenda Item 9)[11]

133) The Delegation of the Netherlands introduced the document and indicated that the Scope had been narrowed down to cover bivalve molluscs, fresh, canned and frozen.

134) The Committee expressed its appreciation to the Delegation of the Netherlands for the preparation of the Proposed Draft Standard and noted that due to late reception of the document Member Governments were unable to send their comments.

Status of the Proposed Draft Standard for Live, Quick Frozen and Canned Bivalve Molluscs

135) The Committee agreed to circulate the attached Proposed Draft Standard at Step 3 for government comments and redrafting by the Delegation of the Netherlands, and for consideration by the next session of the Committee (see Appendix VII).

[11] CX/FFP 00/9; CRD 5 (comments of Brazil).

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