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Discussion Paper on the Use of Chlorinated Water (Agenda Item 13)[15]

146) The Representative of WHO introduced the discussion paper which attempted to address two major issues: risks to consumers' health that may result from chlorine by-products arising from elevated levels of chlorine in water used for washing fish and fishery products; and gaps in knowledge concerning current practices at industry level in different countries. The Representative indicated that fish handling practices varied from country to country and from region to region. Chlorinated water up to 10mg/l was widely used in the fish processing sector, in direct contact with fish to prevent microbiological contamination and ensure the relevant sanitation. The Representative concluded that while additional work in this area was recommended, current scientific evidence did not warrant the change of the Codex recommended level of 10mg/l for water in direct contact with fishery products.

147) The Observer from the EC and some Delegations expressed the view that further risk assessment should be conducted in order to determine benefits of the use of elevated levels of chlorine in the fish industry. It was pointed out that the use of potable water, application of good manufacturing practices and the HACCP System fully ensured hygienic production of fish products.

148) The Delegation of Brazil supported by other delegations pointed out that chlorine was very commonly used in the world as a disinfectant in order to reduce contamination, especially in developing countries, and that there were no scientific evidence of health hazards regarding its use at the current levels. This position was supported by several delegations, who concurred with the conclusion presented in the document.

149) The Committee agreed to accept the conclusion of the document and concluded that no further action was necessary on this matter

[15] CX/FFP 00/13 Document prepared by WHO with cooperation of FAO; CRD 1 (comments of European Community); CRD 3 (comments of Indonesia); CRD 5 (comments of Brazil).

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