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The Thirty-second Session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues reached the following conclusions:


The Committee recommended to the Commission:

  • Draft MRLs for adoption at Step 8, Proposed Draft MRLs at Step 5/8 and Proposed Draft MRLs at Step 5 (Appendices II, III & IV);
  • revocation of certain existing Codex MRLs (Appendix VI); and
  • Priority List of Pesticides for new and periodic evaluations by the JMPR (Appendix VII).


The Committee:

  • agreed to amend the definitions of “meat”, “mammalian fats”, “poultry fats” and “milks” contained in the Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds for the sake of promoting harmonization, following the Accelerated Elaboration Procedure, pending approval of the Executive Committee (paras 45-47, Appendix V); and
  • agreed to seek approval to initiate new work on the amendments to the Guidelines on Good Laboratory Practice in Pesticide Residue Analysis and the Introduction section of the Recommended methods of Analysis for Pesticide Residues to accommodate reference to single-laboratory method validation and suitability of methods validated in a single laboratory (para. 153).



The Committee:

  • concluded that it was not in a position to provide information on other legitimate factors to the CCGP at this time and agreed that a drafting group would prepare a discussion paper for consideration by the CCPR at its next Session with an objective to report the conclusion of the Committee to the 16th Session of the CCGP (para. 10);
  • was generally of the opinion that MRLs should be recommended for food commodities, such as meat, rather than tissues, such as muscle as done by the CCRVDF, and therefore definitions should be established for food commodities (para. 47); and
  • in response to the request of the CCNFSDU, concluded that it was not feasible to establish MRLs for cereal-based foods and infant formula as the Committee had not established MRLs for composite products; did not support the establishment of two MRLs, one for adults and the other for infants and children, for a raw commodity used for preparing these products; did not reach consensus at this time on the establishment of a generic common limit for these products; and endorsed the proposed wording for the pesticide residue provision included in the proposed draft standards for these products (paras 70-74).


The Committee:

  • for MRLs arising from the application of certain pesticides on animals, agreed to discontinue the use of the “V” designation and the explanatory text “The MRL accommodates veterinary uses”, and decided to use a footnote that states “The MRL accommodates external animal treatments” (para. 48);
  • concurred with the recommendation of the CCRVDF that where JMPR and JECFA had recommended MRLs for the same chemical with the same residue/marker definition on the same commodity, the higher MRL should be recommended provided that intake of residues did not exceed the ADI (para. 49);
  • agreed that a brief paper be prepared by the Chairperson in collaboration with the Codex Secretariat on risk analysis principles and methodologies so far applied or used in the work of this Committee for consideration at the next session so as to enable this Committee to report the development and application of risk analysis to the 24th Session of the Commission (para. 6);
  • noted that a number of recommendations of the 24th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission concerning risk analysis had been already taken into consideration or currently worked on by the Committee and JMPR (para. 7);
  • noted the report on general considerations by the 1999 JMPR and agreed with a number of JMPR recommendations (paras 11-19);
  • recognizing the urgent need for internationally agreed methodology for acute exposure assessment, agreed to a number of preliminary risk management measures which would require further development (para. 28);
  • requested WHO to develop some examples of the impact on exposure assessments if the current European Regional Diet was replaced by the proposed GEMS/Food Consumption Cluster Diets; and to provide an estimate of the total consumption of food in order to assess potential differences among cluster-diets (para. 38);
  • decided to maintain the agreed current procedure concerning chronic exposure concern and agreed to continue review of the procedure (paras 54-60);
  • decided to seek information from governments for consideration at its next session on:

- how pesticide residues in genetically modified crops were dealt with at the national level and seek opinions of JMPR (paras 62-66);

- national policies regarding the protection of infants and children in respect of pesticide residues and which compounds were of particular concern (paras 75-76);

- pesticides used on spices, their GAPs and the availability of data; compound not registered for use on spices but frequently detected in spices and the availability of monitoring and toxicological data; and national policies for regulating pesticide residues in spices (paras 167-171);

  • concluded that the establishment of an EMRL for camphechlor in fish was of low priority and agreed to revisit this issue in the future when more information became available (paras 80-83);
  • agreed on a number of actions concerning method validation, including single laboratory method validation, and decided that a paper should be prepared on appropriate performance parameters and criteria for the assessment of the suitability of analytical methods for CCPR purposes (paras 152-154);
  • agreed on the procedure for revising the list of methods of analysis for pesticide residues (para. 155);
  • agreed that a general policy should be developed regarding what action should be taken for CXLs for pesticides composed of unresolved enantiomers/isomers that were no longer supported while awaiting evaluations of corresponding products consisting of resolved enantiomers/isomers; and that a circular letter would be prepared asking for approaches taken by national authorities on this issue (para. 163);
  • agreed to consider at the next session:

- establishment of priority lists; the appropriate role of acute toxicity in establishing priorities; consideration of a policy relating to the maintenance of CXLs for isomeric mixtures of pesticides while awaiting evaluations of resolved isomers; and the relative priority that should be given to the evaluation of new pesticides vis-à-vis reevaluations of older pesticides (para. 164); and

- how and to what extent the Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds should be reviewed and updated and in what structure the updated version would be (paras 181-182);

  • received a report on the work of OECD on the minimum data requirements for establishing maximum residue limits including import tolerances (paras 173-179); and
  • requested JMPR to consider a number of matters of general nature (paras 28, 43, 65, 76, & 173-174)

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