

Twenty-fifth Session

Sliema, Malta, 12 - 15 September 2000



1. At the time this document was written, June 2000, two GFCM members (Malta and Turkey) had deposited their instruments of acceptance of the amendments to the Agreement of GFCM relative to the autonomous budget. Two-thirds of the membership - 15 countries - should accept these amendments before the autonomous budget comes into force, and then it comes into force only for those members who have accepted it. Thus, it is extremely unlikely that the Twenty-fifth Session of GFCM will be in a position to adopt an autonomous budget for the year 2001.

2. Each time the budget is determined an agreed procedure (algorithm) will be used to determine the scale of contributions. The scale of contributions will be expressed in terms of shares (percentages) of the total budget. Each Member will have a specified share. The scale of contributions - that is the percentage of the budget that each Member countributes - is not established once and for all. It should vary principally depending on the extent to which the particular Member participates in the fishery. Therefore, the key issue is the agreement on a procedure - or algorithm - to be used to calculate the scale of contributions. In contrast to what is the case for the scale of contributions the algorithm will be decided once and for all.

3. The discussion at the Extraordinary Session and at the Twenty-fourth Session in Alicante, Spain, July 1999, showed that few GFCM members were willing to officially agree to an algorithm before a consensus has been reached on all its aspects. However, it seems that a shared understanding has been reached and that the following three factors should be considered: membership, the wealth of a member (wealth component), and the extent of the Member's fishing and aquaculture activities (catch component). Also there seems to be a consensus that the Members' contribution in the form of a membership fee should amount to 10 percent of the autonomous budget.

4. So the Commission now needs to consider:

5. For illustrative purposes, it is useful for the discussion to apply the proposed scale of contributions to a hypothetical figure, representing the foreseen normal total size of the autonomous budget.

6. An algorithm is suggested below. It builds on the discussion that was held during the Twenty-fourth Session of GFCM.

Which factors to consider:

Which weight to give to each factor (as percentage of total autonomous budget):

How to measure the factors:

Size of the autonomous budget (for illustrative purposes): US$ 750 000 per year

(See "model autonomous budget" at the end of the document).


7. Using the above algorithm, and using the data applicable in June 2000, the scale of contributions provides the results given in "model autonomous budget". In this version of the scale of contributions, the EU and its member states would pay 55.3 percent of the autonomous budget, Turkey would pay 11.3 percent and Japan 10.2 percent. The remainder, 23.2 percent, would be shared amongst the other 15 members.

8. It should be noted that Members' shares of the budget will go up slowly if they produce an increasing share of all fish produced in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. Likewise, if their share of production were to decline, their contribution to the GFCM autonomous budget would also decline. Modifications in the per caput GDP for members will be slow to result in modifications of their share of the "Wealth Component" of the Autonomous Budget.


9. The Commission is invited to discuss and agree in principle on the above algorithm for calculating the scale of contributions for an autonomous GFCM budget.

1 For the EU this amount represents a sum to cover administrative and other expenses of membership.

    Basic Fee GNP Component Catch Component Total Total    
Member   US $ Index US $ GFCM mt US $ US $ %    
Albania   3409 0.000 0 5778 534 3943 0.53    
Algeria   3409 1.000 3646 190292 17591 24646 3.29    
Bulgaria   3409 1.000 3646 23446 2167 9222 1.23    
Croatia   3409 1.000 3646 42793 3956 11011 1.47    
Cyprus   3409 0.000 0 13183 1219 4628 0.62    
Egypt   3409 1.000 3646 158012 14607 21662 2.89    
France   3409 10.000 36458 0 0 39867 5.32    
Greece   3409 10.000 36458 0 0 39867 5.32    
Israel   3409 1.000 3646 15549 1437 8492 1.13    
Italy   3409 10.000 36458 0 0 39867 5.32    
Japan   3409 20.000 72917 1657 153 76479 10.20    
Lebanon   3409 1.000 3646 9875 913 7968 1.06    
Libya   3409 1.000 3646 93416 8636 15691 2.09    
Malta   3409 0.000 0 9518 880 4289 0.57    
Monaco   3409 0.000 0 15 1 3410 0.45    
Morocco   3409 1.000 3646 67169 6209 13264 1.77    
Romania   3409 1.000 3646 5564 514 7569 1.01    
Spain   3409 10.000 36458 0 0 39867 5.32    
Syria   3409 1.000 3646 8207 759 7814 1.04    
Tunisia   3409 1.000 3646 254141 23494 30549 4.07    
Turkey   3409 1.000 3646 842504 77884 84939 11.33    
EC*   3409 0.000 0 2721080 251545 254955 33.99    
      72.000   4462198     100.00    
US DOLLARS 75000   262500   412500 750000      
Total Budget US $   750000           Shares
Basic fee in percent 10.0 in US $ 75000   Countries     GNP/capita per country
Number of Members   22   Japan     30000- 20
Total budget less basic fee 675000  

4 EU Members

  10000-29999 10
GNP Component (percent of total budget): 35.0   15 Others     1000-9999 1
      US $ 262500   Albania     0-999 0
Catch Component (percent of total budget) 55.0            
      US $ 412500     For those four countries that have a GNP smaller than US$ 5 billion (1997)
              are applied a GNP category one step below that which would applied according to the above table.
* Sum to cover the administrative and other expenses of membership