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20. The next meeting convened under Article XIV 3(a) of the FAO Constitution will be an Inter-governmental Consultation. The Consultation would be expected to adopt an agreement for the establishment of the Commission. Once adopted by the Consultation the Agreement will be forwarded to the FAO Council for approval through the FAO Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs. It is envisaged that the Agreement would be submitted to the FAO Council in June 2001.

21. The Secretariat was requested to invite all potential members (coastal States, regional economic integration organizations, and fishing nations) that could become members to the future commission to participate at the Inter-governmental Consultation.

22. The meeting further requested that FAO seek financial assistance from donors, in particular the European Community to facilitate the organization and participation of coastal states at the Inter-governmental Consultation.

23. States were reminded of the questionnaire on the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and of the Margarita Lizarraga Medal Award.

24. The Meeting expressed its gratitude to the Government of the Republic of Madagascar for its kind hospitality in opening the ad hoc meeting held under the auspices of the Subregional Office for Southern and East Africa and the FAO Madagascar Office.

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