FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 10/00 - BURKINA FASO (22 September)

BURKINA FASO (22 September)

Below-normal rains in the centre and east have affected crop development. In August, precipitation was generally above normal and well distributed in the south and the west, being particularly abundant during the first dekad of the month. By contrast, rainfall was below normal in August over the eastern half of the country, except in the extreme north in late August. Cumulative rainfall as of late August was below average except in the west and the southwest. Rains were inadequate in early September but improved in the middle of the month. Early millet is being harvested in the south and southeast. Overall an average harvest is anticipated.

Pastures remain adequate countrywide and the level of water reserves is satisfactory. No significant pest activity is reported. A joint FAO/CILSS Crop Assessment Mission is scheduled in October to estimate 2000 cereal production.

Following a record crop in 1999, the overall food supply situation is satisfactory. Markets are well supplied. Prices of millet and sorghum have started to increase in rural and urban markets. The cereal import requirement for the 1999/2000 marketing year (November/October) is estimated at 155 000 tonnes, mainly wheat and rice.

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