FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 10/00 - BRAZIL (11 September)

BRAZIL (11 September)

Harvesting of the 2000 wheat crop has started in the main producing states of Parana and Rio Grande do Sul, which together account for almost 85 to 90 percent of the domestic output, as well as in the other main producing areas. Recent abundant rains in the former state, the largest producing state, helped improve soil moisture for the developing crop which had suffered from an earlier drought and a most severe frost in July, with resulting damage to plantings. The anticipated losses in production in Parana have been compensated in part by improved yields in Rio Grande do Sul, the second largest producing state, and Santa Catarina; however, preliminary assessments of damage indicate that aggregate output for the country is expected to decline by about 35 percent from last year�s average production of 2.4 million tonnes. The July frost also damaged the developing second season crop (�safrinha�) maize crop, which had also been affected by the earlier dry spell. Aggregate maize production (both crops) in 2000 is provisionally estimated at a slightly below-average level and considerably lower than earlier production forecasts. By contrast, the heavy rains contributed to planting of the 2000/01 first season maize crop which has recently started.

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